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转自: Hello everyone, and thank you to those that attended our webinar on Building an Enterprise-grade PostgreSQL setup using open source tools last Wed…
官方文档 语法: CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] FUNCTION name ( [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [ { DEFAULT | = } default_expr ] [, ...] ] ) [ RETURNS rettype | RETURNS TABLE ( column_name column_type [, ...] ) ] { LANGUAGE lang_name | TRANSFORM { FOR TYPE type_nam…
广州PostgreSQL用户会技术交流会小记 2015-9-19 今天去了广州PostgreSQL用户会组织的技术交流会 分别有两个session 第一个讲师介绍了他公司使用PostgreSQL-X2的情况 第二个讲师介绍了PostgreSQL里面的一些执行计划分析 我个人比较关注第一个session,因为涉及到真正的应用案例 网上有对PostgreSQL-X2的简短介绍,我先转载过来 转载:…
1.createdb 数据库名称 产生数据库2.dropdb 数据库名称 删除数据库 3.CREATE USER 用户名称 创建用户4.drop User 用户名称 删除用户 5.SELECT usename FROM pg_user; 查看系统用户信息 \du 7.SELECT version(); 查看版本信息 8.psql 数据库名 打开psql交互工具 9.mydb=> \i basics.sql\i 命令从指定的文件中读取命令. 10.COPY weather FROM '/home/…
source: Thanks ! Fast Inserts to PostgreSQL with JDBC and COPY FROM Labels: batches, copy from, inserts, java, jdbc I was reading some materials on how to make datab…
PostgreSQL can be installed using RPMs (binary) or SRPMs (source) managed by YUM. This is available for the following Linux distributions (both 32- and 64-bit platforms; for the current release and prior release or two): Fedora Red Hat Enterprise Lin…
1        Set max_connections to three times the number of processor cores on the server. Include virtual (hyperthreading) cores. Set shared_buffers             to 4GB for servers with up to 64 GB of RAM. Use 8GB for systems with more than 64 GB of RA…
why we need partitions The first and most demanding reason to use partitions in a database is to increase the performance of the database. This is achieved by partition-wise joins; if a user’s queries perform a lot of full-table scans, partitioning w…
在使用数据库前,是启动数据库,启动数据库前是initdb(初始化数据库):一起来看一下initdb做了什么吧. 初始化数据库的操作为: ./initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data initdb把用户指定的选项转换成对应的参数,通过外部程序调用的方式执行postgres程序.postgres程序在这种方式下将进入bootstrap模式创建数据集簇,并读取后端接口postgres.bki文件来创建模板数据库. /*-------------------------------…
After loooong pause, adding next (well, second) post to the “series“. This time, I'd like to describe how logging works. And I don't mean binary logging (WAL), but the log for us, humans, to read. Before I will go to the postgresql.conf options, let…