May 26th, 2019. Week 22nd, Sunday】的更多相关文章

A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try. 真正的失败者,是那些因为害怕不能成功,就连试都不敢试的人. It seems that this sentence comes from a movie named ' Little Miss Sunshine.' In the movie, it goes as following: What is a real loser? A rea…
All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人. It is said that those who are patient can see what their patience will reward, so why not hold on for a bit longer before choosing to quit? I always keep that in my mind but I don't know how long I can go i…
Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain. 美丽背后,必有某种努力. No pains, no gains. Maybe we need to become more patient, because we can't count to harvest the fruits just after a while that we planted the seeds. Everything that happens to us m…
Life is very capricious. 生命无常. Is life capricious? Maybe. But we can still make life a little more certain through our efforts, perseverant efforts. It was a beautiful bring autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it. 美丽明…
Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up. 恐惧不会消磨你的意志,它能激发你的潜能. We all know that fear is powerful, and we all want to overcome fear, so that we can achieve something we can't do before. But sometimes, after constantly trying and failing, some of us…
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength. 忧虑不会消除明天的痛苦,它只会削弱今天的力气. From Corrie Ten Boom. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow, and there are some ways which can helps us decrease our worrying thoughts and h…
Making peace with what you don't have, that's what it's all about. 人生在世,不如意者十之八九,保持平常心,命里无时莫强求. Everyone need some chicken soup, especially in his bad times, and sometimes a small amount of chicken soup could be helpful, which can help us calm down a…
We laughed and kept syaing "see you soon", but inside we both knew we would never see each other again. 我们笑着说再见,但我们都心知肚明,再见遥遥无期. From The Legend of 1900. That is ture, just like sometimes we would say "I will do it in the future." or &…
I can fly higher than an eagle, for you are the wind beneath my wings. 我之所以能飞得比鹰还高,是因为有你做我羽翼下的风. You are my hero, my dear daddy. You are the wind beneath my wings, so I can fly higher than others at the very beginning. But unfortunately, I haven't fu…
The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you. 你在我身上看到的美,正是你的倒影. From Jalaluddin Rumi. What we see of others and of the world would be the reflection of what we want to see. So, if we want to see the beauty in others, we must have our eyes focus in…
It is the childlike mind that finds the kingdom. 正是你的童心帮你找到属于自己的王国. From Charles Fillmore. When we were children, we dreamed of growing up to be adults. But when we reach adulthood, the stress of life can make us wish we were back to being a kid agai…
Fight for what matters to you. 为自己珍视的东西奋斗吧! We all want to make our life goals true, and we all expect to have what matters to us and never lose them. But first, I want to raise a question: Can you figure out those things that really matter to you? O…
1.datetime 模块 为日期和时间处理同时提供了简单和复杂的方法.支持日期和时间算法的同时,实现的重点放在更有效的处理和格式化输出.该模块还支持时区处理: 简单例子: from datetime import date now = now Out[9]:, 4, 28) now.strftime("%m-%d-%y. %d %b %Y is a %A on the %d day of %B.") Out[10]: '…
更新完了? ghj1222这个智障因为NOIP考的太菜没有去THUWC和PKUWC,但是NOIWC还是苟进去了 由于已经结束了,好多事实忘了,所以可能不完整 2019/1/23 Wednesday 明天该走了,早上买了两桶泡面,是有点小兴奋,之前没坐过飞机虽然说我想坐火车去,火车上可以透彻啊 要是按照姓氏分宿舍就要被rqy大佬虐了 晚上Virtual participation Codeforces Round #530 (Div. 2),Div2题不难,110分钟AK,掉rp,感觉WC要凉 这…
It's so easy to be careless, it takes courage and courage to care. 不在乎很容易,但在乎却需要很多勇气. Sometimes it would be much easier to give up than to hold on, especially when failing again and agian even after having paid a lot. It really takes more courage to…
It's what you do next that counts, not what happens but what you decide to do about it. 重点不是发生了什么,而是接下来应该如何应对. It's not what happens to us counts, it is how we respond to it that counts. Maybe that can explain why so many people consider attitudes ar…
Beautiful things don't ask for attention. 真正美丽的东西,并不会刻意寻求别人的注目. From The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. To see the world, things dangerous to come, to see behind walls, draw closer, and to feel. That is the purpose of life. There is an infinity of beau…
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrwo is ours to win or lose. 我们无法重拾昨天,但我们可以选择赢得或者输掉明天. Even if we can go back to yesterday, we might not be able to change the current situation. It may be unavoidable for most of us to encounter setbacks and…
There is always that one song that brings back old memories. 总有那么一首歌,让你想起那些旧的回忆. There are seveal songs that I love very much. When I hear them, their melodies and lyrics often bring me back to my old days, the lost youth, the incredible pain and suf…
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results. 淘汰消极思想,选择积极思想,我们就能开始迎来积极的结果. From Willie Nelson. What we think, we become. 我们想的是什么,就会成为什么样的人. Surprisingly, today's two quotes both can be categorized into…
Perfection has no place in love. 爱从不完美. Perfection has no place in love, and we should always try to accept the imperfect parts of our lovers, to make ourself as perfect as we can to make up for those imperfections. And innovation would be the same,…
Break down these walls and come on in. 一路披荆斩棘,勇往直前. We are the only wall that stands in our way to success. We are the only enemy that can beat us thoroughly. So, if we want to break down the walls in the way, we must try our best to overcome our own…
A heavy drew refreshed the earth at night. 夜晚厚重的露水滋养着大地. From Leo Tolstoy. Today is the White Drew Day in the traditional Chinese Calendar. And there is an old proverb saying that drews turns white first before the weather becomes cold, it means the…
Hi all, According to 2019 public holiday announcement released by Chinese government, this is to announce the Q2 China Public Holiday arrangement as follows: Pure Brightness Festival: ·        April 05, 2019 International Labor Day: ·        May 01,…
FIT2096 Assignment 2 2019_v1.2.docx 9/04/2019 11:34 AMPage 1 | 4FIT2096 Assignment 2 2019Transformations in 3D Space - Simple Agent Navigation (15%)Due: Mid-semester break, Friday 26th April, 11:55 pmLearning outcomes:The learning outcomes covered in…
近日,有报道表示台积电10nm 芯片可怜的收益率可能会对 2017 年多款高端移动设备的推出产生较大的影响,其中自然包括下一代 iPhone 和 iPad 机型.不过,台积电正式驳斥了这一说法,表明10纳米处理器生产完全按计划进行,并没有出现任何延滞,并且这款处理器在明年第一季度就会开始盈利. 同时台积电还放出另一个重磅消息.台积电还表示,明年公司的生产计划是7纳米处理器,到2019年会生产5nm处理器,支持高端移动设备获得新功能,如VR/AR等.今年10月也有报道显示台积电已经开始进行于201…
SUNDAY 算法描述: 字符串查找算法中,最著名的两个是KMP算法(Knuth-Morris-Pratt)和BM算法(Boyer-Moore).两个算法在最坏情况下均具有线性的查找时间.但是在实用上,KMP算法并不比最简单的c库函数strstr()快多少,而BM算法则往往比KMP算法快上3-5倍.但是BM算法还不是最快的算法,这里介绍一种比BM算法更快一些的查找算法. 例如我们要在"substring searching algorithm"查找"search",…
BM算法研究了很久了,说实话BM算法的资料还是比较少的,之前找了个资料看了,还是觉得有点生涩难懂,找了篇更好的和算法更好的,总算是把BM算法搞懂了. 1977年,Robert S.Boyer和J Strother Moore提出了另一种在O(n)时间复杂度内,完成字符串匹配的算法,这个算法在单模匹配上比KMP算法还要出色 PS:其BM算法在跳转优化上的确比KMP算法要好很多,能在O(N)的上界就完成匹配了,但是不是绝对的,我们讲到后面再来说这个问题. 我们知道,KMP算法之所以能那么快,是因为他…
VS经常报错的link error 2019 原因如下: 可能是找得到头文件,但是相关的dll或者lib找不到,需要在配置里面添加相应的库文件. project=>configuration..=>vc++ directories... 还有一种可能就是inlucde头文件的时候,如果在同级目录,建议使用include “./client.h"而不使用include "client.h"虽然有时候两者都行,但强烈建议用第一个. 不过也有可能是#include &q…
2019: 鞍点计算 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 64 MB 提交: 66  解决: 30 题目描述 找出具有m行n列二维数组Array的"鞍点",即该位置上的元素在该行上最大,在该列上最小,其中1<=m,n<=10. 输入 输入数据有多行,第一行有两个数m和n,下面有m行,每行有n个数. 输出 按下列格式输出鞍点: Array[i][j]=x 其中x代表鞍点,i和j为鞍点所在的数组行和列下标,我们规定数组下标从0开始. 一个二维数组并不一定存在鞍点,此时请输出N…