This parallel program performs writes and reads to/from files under several sets of conditions and reports the resulting throughput rates. IOR 设计用于测量POSIX和MPI-IO级别的并行文件系统的I/O的性能;mdtest 被设计用于测试文件系统的元数据性能并生成测试报告: 官方网站:…
A treewalk for splitting a file directory is disclosed for parallel execution of work items over a filesystem. The given work item is assigned to a worker. Thereafter, a request is sent to split the file directory to share a portion of the file direc…
谷歌三大核心技术(一)The Google File System中文版  The Google File System中文版 译者:alex 摘要 我们设计并实现了Google GFS文件系统,一个面向大规模数据密集型应用的.可伸缩的分布式文件系统.GFS虽然运行在廉价的普遍硬件设备上,但是它依然了提供灾难冗余的能力,为大量客户机提供了高性能的服务.   虽然GFS的设计目标与许多传统的分布式文件系统有很多相同之处,但是,我们的设计还是以我们对自己的应用的负载情况和技术环境的分析为基础的,不管…
I researched a lot about storage system classes given at good universities this year. This had two reasons: The first was thispost of a researcher at NetApp, about the missing of a good storage or file system class book and secondly our own storage s…
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is designed to store very large data sets reliably, and to stream those data sets at high bandwidth to user applications. In a large cluster, thousands of servers both host directly attached storage and execu…
A mechanism is provided in a data processing system for reliable asynchronous solid-state device based de-duplication. Responsive to receiving a write request to write data to the file system, the mechanism sends the write request to the file system,…
英文原文地址: Google File system 译文原文地址: The Google File System中文版 Google File System中文版 摘要 我们设计并实现了Google GFS文件系统,一个面向大规模数据密集型应用的.可伸缩的分布式文件系统.GFS虽然运行在廉价的普遍硬件设备上,但是它依然了提供灾难冗余的能力,为 大量客户机提供了高性能的服务. 虽然GFS的设计目标与许多传统的分布式文件系统有很多相同之处,但是,我们的设计还是以我们对自己的应用的负载情况和技术环境…
The Google File System Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung Google∗ 摘要 我们设计并实现了谷歌文件系统,这是一个为大型分布式数据密集型的应用而设计的可伸缩的分布式文件系统. 它能够运行在廉价的商用机器上同时又提供了容错率,并且对大量客户端服务时提供了很高的聚合性能. 虽然GFS和之前的分布式文件系统在设计上有很多共同的目标,但是我们的设计同时也受到对我们应用负载和技术环境的观察而驱动,包括当前的和预…
Accessing Files and Directories Before you can open a file, you first have to locate it in the file system. The system frameworks provide many routines for obtaining references to many well-known directories, such as the Library directory and its con…
SRC= Paul Krzyzanowski April 24, 2014 Introduction We've studied various approaches to file system design. Now we'll look at some real file systems to explore the approaches that were taken i…