Maybe one of the most used MySQL commands is SELECT, that is the way to stract the information from the database, but of course one does not need all the info inside a database, therefore one should limit the info coming out from the table, there is…
mysql select column default value if is null SELECT `w`.`city` AS `city`, `w`.`city_en` AS `city_en`, `w`.`date_y` AS `date_y`, `w`.`week` AS `week`, `w`.`cityid` AS `cityid`, `w`.`temp1` AS `temp1`, `w`.`temp2` AS `temp2`, `w`.`temp3` AS `temp3`, `w…
问题说明: 最近遇到一个问题,多个WORKER同时向MYSQL数据库请求任务,如何实现互斥?例如: SELECT * FROM student WHERE id > 10 LIMIT 100; UPDATE student SET status = 1 WHERE id > 10 LIMIT 100; 当有多个WORKER执行上面两条语句,那么很可能都执行同样的数据,造成线上问题,比如WORDER1执行SELECT之后,还没有执行UPDATE之前,WORDER2也执行了SELECT语句,造成问…