
Max Sum Given a sequence a[1],a[2],a[3]......a[n], your job is to calculate the max sum of a sub-sequence. For example, given (6,-1,5,4,-7), the max sum in this sequence is 6 + (-1) + 5 + 4 = 14. Input The first line of the input contains an integer…
A - Diverse Strings A string is called diverse if it contains consecutive (adjacent) letters of the Latin alphabet and each letter occurs exactly once. For example, the following strings are diverse: "fced", "xyz", "r" and &q…
C - Lucky 7 in the Pocket BaoBao loves number 7 but hates number 4, so he refers to an integer as a "lucky integer" if is divisible by 7 but not divisible by 4. For example, 7, 14 and 21 are lucky integers, but 1, 4 and 28 are not. Today BaoBao…
D - Candies!   Consider a sequence of digits of length [a1,a2,-,a]. We perform the following operation with it: replace pairs (a2i+1,a2i+2) with (a2i+1+a2i+2)mod10 for 0≤i<2k−1. For every i where a2i+1+a2i+2≥10 we get a candy! As a result, we will ge…
B. Subsegments#set进阶 Programmer Sasha has recently begun to study data structures. His coach Stas told him to solve the problem of finding a minimum on the segment of the array in , which Sasha coped with. For Sasha not to think that he had learned a…
sort函数 前言:当进行贪心算法的学习时,需要用到sort函数,因为初学c++汇编语言,sort的具体用法没有深入学习,所以这里进行sort学习记录并只有基础用法并借用贪心算法题目的代码. 百度百科:用于C++中,对给定区间所有元素进行排序.头文件是#include algorithm. 编译代码 #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define MAXN 100 struct node{ in…
以下以目前遇到题目开始记录,按发布时间排序 ACM之递推递归 ACM之数学题 拓扑排序 ACM之最短路径做题笔记与记录 STL学习笔记不(定期更新) 八皇后问题解题报告…
原文 链接 http://blog.csdn.net/iojust/article/details/52429805 - ---热情依旧 - 环境搭建: - jdk环境配置 jdk下载: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html 安装完成后,系统属性->环境变量->系统变量新建JAVA_HOME,变量值为安装路径,如图 - 系统属性里找到path属性,编辑,在后面加 ;…
A - Serval and Bus It is raining heavily. But this is the first day for Serval, who just became 3 years old, to go to the kindergarten. Unfortunately, he lives far from kindergarten, and his father is too busy to drive him there. The only choice for…
转载请注明出处:優YoU http://blog.csdn.net/lyy289065406/article/details/6642573 部分解题报告添加新内容,除了原有的"大致题意"和"解题思路"外, 新增"Source修正",因为原Source较模糊,这是为了帮助某些狂WA的同学找到测试数据库,但是我不希望大家利用测试数据打表刷题 PS:部分题目的评论中也有给出了测试数据,未必完全,仅供参考 这个POJ分类版本是被我修改过的,现在还在根据…