A tarball (tar.gz file) is compressed tar archive. The tar program provides the ability to create tar archives, as well as various other kinds of manipulation. For example, you can use Tar on previously created archives to extract files, to store add…
reference :http://crybit.com/tar-command-usages-with-examples/ The ‘tar’ saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can restore individual files from the archive. It is very useful in such conditions like when we want to send a…
1, 对于tar.gz 压缩:tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name 解压:tar -zxvf prog-1-jan-2005.tar.gz -C /tmp http://www.tecmint.com/18-tar-command-examples-in-linux/ The Linux “tar” stands for tape archive, which is used by large number of Linux/Unix syst…
本文是笔者对鸟叔的Linux私房菜(基础学习篇) 第三版(中文网站)中关于 Linux 环境下打包和解压缩指令的内容以及日常操作过程中所接触的相关指令的总结和记录,以供备忘和分享.更多详细信息可直接参考对应Linux命令的 man 帮助( 如 man tar). 在Linux环境下,对于文件的操作更多通过命令行指令而不是单纯的鼠标点击,而文件管理中一个重要的操作便是压缩和加压操作.通过文件的压缩和解压,可以使得文件占用更少的存储空间,也可以让文件传输更加便捷.本文主要介绍Linux下常用的打包指…