ReportFlow: // click the Grid icon and switch to grid page public void changeToGrid() // click the Add/Locate icon in the grid page/or in the controller, and then add investment public void addInvestmentToGrid(final String fundName, final String tick…
简介 许多大型和小型企业都将其 Microsoft SharePoint Server 库用作 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿的存储库.所有这些企业在存储.分发和更新演示文稿方面都有其特定的需求.Microsoft PowerPoint Automation Services 是 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 的一种新功能,可帮助企业管理其演示文稿.它是一项共享服务,可提供无人参与的.服务器端至其他格式的演示文…
UI Automation test is based on the windows API. U can find the UI Automation MSDN file from link. The important part is Using UI Automation fir Automated Testing. As a new tester of UI Automation.…