Speculative store buffer】的更多相关文章

A speculative store buffer is speculatively updated in response to speculative store memory operations buffered by a load/store unit in a microprocessor. Instead of performing dependency checking for load memory operations among the store memory oper…
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An improved memory model and implementation is disclosed. The memory model includes a Total Store Ordering (TSO) and Partial Store Ordering (PSO) memory model to provide a partial order for the memory operations which are issued by multiple processor…
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6472c4cc0102duzr.html 处理器微架构访问Cache的方法与访问主存储器有类似之处.主存储器使用地址编码方式,微架构可以地址寻址方式访问这些存储器.Cache也使用了类似的地址编码方式,微架构也是使用这些地址操纵着各级Cache,可以将数据写入Cache,也可以从Cache中读出内容.只是这一切微架构针对Cache的操作并不是简单的地址访问操作.为简化起见,我们忽略各类Virtual Cache,讨论最基础的Cach…
引言 前面我们简单分析了ORPSoC的整体结构,or1200_top的整体结构,or1200_cpu的整体结构. 并对ORPSoC的启动过程,ORPSoC的debug子系统,clock子系统进行了介绍. 本小节,我们一起来分析一下ORPSoC的存储器组织(memory hierarchy). 1,背景知识 在分析ORPSoC的memory hierarchy之前,我们有必要先了解一下关于cache的background. 关于cache,大概可以从三个方面进行阐述:内存到cache的映射方式,c…
Intel微处理器近20年从Pentium发展到Skylake,得益于制作工艺上的巨大发展,处理器的性能得到了非常大的增强,功能模块增多,不过其指令处理pipeline的主干部分算不上有特别大的变化,更多的是为了提高指令的处理速度添加一些模块以及各模块的增强与优化. 本文会以Intel Core微处理器架构为例去了解Intel微处理器pipeline的各个功能模块. Core架构概览 上图以指令的处理流程(pipeline)的方式对Core微处理器的架构进行了划分,指令通过各个功能模块最终实现指…
A processor employing a post-cache (LS2) buffer. Loads are stored into the LS2buffer after probing the data cache. The load/store unit snoops the loads in the LS2 buffer against snoop requests received from an external bus. If a snoop invalidate requ…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The use of a cache memory with a processor facilitates the reduction of memory access time. The fundamental idea of cache organization is that by keeping the most frequently accessed instructions and data in the fast cache…
This is a list of all Intel Ivy Bridge Microarchitecture performance counter event types. Please see Intel Architecture Developer's Manual Volume 3B, Appendix A and Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001). Name Description Count…
This is a list of all Intel Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture performance counter event types. Please see Intel Architecture Developer's Manual Volume 3B, Appendix A and Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001) Name Description Coun…