今天是2014-01-07,解决一下hp-unix异步I/O问题. 从trace日志中看: WARNING:Could not increase the asynch I/O limit to 32 for SQL direct I/O. It is set to 0 WARNING:Could not increase the asynch I/O limit to 64 for SQL direct I/O. It is set to 0 WARNING:Could not increase…
一ORACLE 标准版的数据库的告警日志出现ORA-00600错误,具体错误信息如下所示 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/SCM2/bdump/scm2_s003_20333.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcblasm_1], [103], [], [], [], [], [], [] Wed Oct 21 09:22:02 CST 2015 Errors in…
[root@restore1 data1]# mongod --dbpath=/data/data1/mongodb_data/ --directoryperdb ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended. ** WARNING: You are running on a NUMA machine. ** We suggest launching mongod like…
今天启动mongodb的时候,之前一直没注意,今天发现又warning,想整一整. 下面是告警 2019-09-05T12:00:55.271+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] 2019-09-05T12:00:55.271+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. 2019-09-05T12:00:55.271…
In this post, I will give a list of all undocumented parameters in Oracle Here is a query to see all the parameters (documented and undocumented) which contain the string you enter when prompted: – Enter name of the parameter when prompted…
Total Commander 8.52 Beta 1http://www.ghisler.com/852_b1.php 10.08.15 Release Total Commander 8.52 beta 1 (32/64) 05.08.15 Fixed: Windows 10: Loading drive buttonbar hanging on some devices (e.g. Surface Pro 3) when SD-Card was in internal card reade…
RFID读写器的工作原理 RFID的数据采集以读写器为主导,RFID读写器是一种通过无线通信,实现对标签识别和内存数据的读出和写入操作的装置. 读写器又称为阅读器或读头(Reader).查询器(Interrogator).读出装置(Reading Device). 扫描器(Scanner).通信器(Communicator).编程/编码器(Programmer)等等. 读写器工作原理 RFID读写器的基本原理是利用射频信号与空间耦合传输特性,使电子标签与阅读器的耦合元件在射频耦合通道内进行能量传…
1.Behaviour介绍 Erlang/Elixir的Behaviour类似于其它语言中的接口(interfaces),本质就是在指定behaviours的模块中强制要求导出一些指定的函数,否则编译时会warning. 其中Elixir中使用到behaviour的典范就是GenServer, GenEvent. 曾经Elixir有一个叫Behaviour的模块,但是在1.1时就已被deprecated掉了,现在你并不需要用一个Behaviour模块才能定义一个behaviour啦. 让我们一步…
The System Catalogs of PostgreSQLscott=# \dS List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner ------------+---------------------------------+----------+---------- pg_catalog | pg_aggregate | table | postgres pg_catalog | pg_am | table | postgres pg_cat…
121. You want to create a new optimized database for your transactional production environment to be used by a financial application. While creating the database, you want the Oracle software to take care of all basic settings to optimize the databas…