I'm running Windows 7 and when I try to run a batch file, it says, "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?" So when I try to sign it with my code signing certificate, it says "SignTool Error: This f…
转自:http://www.08lr.cn/article/1985.html office2010安装过程中出现如下图错误:windows installer 服务不能更新一个或多个受保护的windows文件,安装失败,正在回滚.这个问题困惑了我好久,在微软的官方网站上也看过别人的提示,可依然无法解决.今天突然想起来了,继续查找原因,终于解决了.我解决是使用下面的方法二. microsoft office professional plus 2010在安装过程中出错. windows inst…