题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4464 Problem Description One day when you are going to clear all your browsing history, you come up with an idea: You want to figure out what your most valued site is. Every site is given a value which e…
hdu4464:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4464 题意:就是统计n个字符串中每个字符串每个字符对印的Asci,然后输出最大的长度. 题解:水题,注意一个技巧:字符对应的asci 直接int a=(int )c(c是字符类型即可). #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using names…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4464 现场赛总会有水题,这就是最水的一道,预计也就是能当高校的上机题,保研用,呵呵~~~ #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define ll long long const int MAXN= 100+20; char s[MAXN]; int main()…
BUPT2017 wintertraining(15) #8C 题意 求第n(n<2^32)个非完全平方数m,以及\(\sum_{i=1}^m{\lfloor\sqrt i\rfloor}\) 题解 设1~m中有x个完全平方数(\(1^2,2^2,3^2,...,x^2\)). 那么有 \[ \begin{cases} n+x=m\\ x^2 < m\\ (x+1)^2 \ge m \end{cases} \] 等价于求满足\(m-\sqrt m < n\)的m的最大值. 于是可以二分.…
问题:One day when you are going to clear all your browsing history, you come up with an idea: You want to figure out what your most valued site is. Every site is given a value which equals to the sum of ASCII values of all characters in the URL. For ex…
Linux 2.6 - man page for ascii (linux section 7) - Unix & Linux Commands Linux 2.6 - man page for ascii (linux section 7)   ASCII(7) Linux Programmer's Manual ASCII(7) NAME ascii - ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal DESCRI…
Macron symbol ASCII CODE 238 : HTML entity : [ Home ][ español ] What is my IP address ? your public IP address is: ASCII control characters 00NULL(Null character) 01SOH(Start of Header) 02STX(Start of Text) 03ETX(End of Text) 04EOT(E…
Browsing History http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4464 签到 #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; ]; int main(){ ; while(~scanf("%d",&n)){ ; while(n--){ scanf("%s",a); ; ;a[i];i++){ sum+=a[i];…
Title http://www.cse.msu.edu/~alexliu/publications/Cookie/cookie.pdf AbstractCookies are the primary means for web applicationsto authenticate HTTP requests and to maintain clientstates. Many web applications (such as electronic commerce)demand a sec…
What's new in Windows 10 Enterprise with Microsoft Edge --带有Edge浏览器的Windows 10 企业版的新功能 本文摘录自公司群发邮件, 推荐大家升级"自带Edge浏览器的Windows 10", 再过几分钟, 就会全球推送Windows 10 的升级包了, Share出来也就无大碍了. 对部分句段意译一下. What's new in Windows 10 Enterprise with Microsoft Edge? A…
Cookie是HTTP协议中非常重要的东西, 之前拜读了Fish Li 写的[细说Cookie], 让我学到了很多东西.Fish的这篇文章写得太经典了. 所以我这篇文章就没有太多内容了. 最近我打算写一个系列的HTTP文章,我站在HTTP协议的角度, 说说我对Cookie的理解. 阅读目录 Cookie是什么,有什么用,为什么要用到Cookie Cookie的分类 Cookie存在哪里 使用和禁用Cookie Fiddler查看HTTP中的Cookie 网站自动登陆的原理 截获Cookie,冒充…
HTTP协议 (七) Cookie Cookie是HTTP协议中非常重要的东西, 之前拜读了Fish Li 写的[细说Cookie], 让我学到了很多东西.Fish的这篇文章写得太经典了. 所以我这篇文章就没有太多内容了. 最近我打算写一个系列的HTTP文章,我站在HTTP协议的角度, 说说我对Cookie的理解. 阅读目录 Cookie是什么,有什么用,为什么要用到Cookie Cookie的分类 Cookie存在哪里 使用和禁用Cookie Fiddler查看HTTP中的Cookie 网站自…
原文跳转: http://dig4n6.blogspot.tw/2013/07/vdi-in-box-analysis-results.html *文中引用图片如无法浏览,请科学上网* VDI-in-a-Box Analysis Results by Ethan Fleisher Despite the fact that my capstone thesis was complete over three months ago, it’s been a struggle to make thi…
http://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/client-identification-mechanisms Chromium‎ > ‎Chromium Security‎ > ‎ Technical analysis of client identification mechanisms Written by Artur Janc <aaj@google.com> and Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@g…
  GIT Commit Good Practice The following document is based on experience doing code development, bug troubleshooting and code review across a number of projects using GIT, including libvirt, QEMU and OpenStack Nova. Examination of other open source p…
原文:关于android 1.6全部的权限介绍 我们在 AndroidManifest.xml里需要对一些软件需要的操作做一些权限的声明,比如我们的软件有发送短信的功能,那么就需要在 AndroidManifest.xml 里做如下声明 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/and…
an open-source JavaScript libraryfor mobile-friendly interactive maps Overview Tutorials Docs Download Plugins Blog Leaflet Plugins While Leaflet is meant to be as lightweight as possible, and focuses on a core set of features, an easy way to extend…
Squid,一个高性能的代理缓存服务器,支持FTP.gopher.HTTP协议. Squid,一个缓存Internet 数据的软件,其接收用户的下载申请(作为代理服务器),并自动处理所下载的数据,并返回给客户. 当一个用户想要下载一个主页(如米扑科技:https://mimvp.com)时,可以向Squid 发出一个申请,让Squid 代替其进行下载,然后Squid 连接所申请网站并请求该主页,接着把该主页传给用户同时保留一个备份,当别的用户申请同样的页面时,Squid 把保存的备份立即传给用户…
Cookie是HTTP协议中非常重要的东西, 之前拜读了Fish Li 写的[细说Cookie], 让我学到了很多东西.Fish的这篇文章写得太经典了. 所以我这篇文章就没有太多内容了. 最近我打算写一个系列的HTTP文章,我站在HTTP协议的角度, 说说我对Cookie的理解. Cookie是什么,有什么用,为什么要用到Cookie 请看Fish Li 写的[细说Cookie] Cookie的分类 可以大致把Cookie分为2类: 回话cookie和持久cookie 会话cookie: 是一种…
[Game Engine Architecture 7] 1.SRT Transformations When a quaternion is combined with a translation vector and a scale factor (either a scalar for uniform scaling or a vector for nonuniform scaling), then we have a viable alternative to the 4 x 4 mat…
Problem I. Interest Targeting 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/gym/100714 Description A unique display advertisement system was developed at the department of advertising technologies, Yaagl Inc. The system displays advertisements that meet the interests…
Using a Microsoft Account to Logon and Resulting Internet Communication in Windows 8 此主题尚未评级 - 评价此主题 In this section Overview of Using a Microsoft Account to Logon to Windows 8 Benefits and purpose of using a Microsoft Account to Login to Windows 8 M…
转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/TankXiao/archive/2013/04/15/2848906.html Cookie是HTTP协议中非常重要的东西, 之前拜读了Fish Li 写的[细说Cookie], 让我学到了很多东西.Fish的这篇文章写得太经典了. 所以我这篇文章就没有太多内容了. 最近我打算写一个系列的HTTP文章,我站在HTTP协议的角度, 说说我对Cookie的理解. 阅读目录 Cookie是什么,有什么用,为什么要用到Cookie Cookie的分类…
Android应用程序在使用很多功能的时候必须在Mainifest.xml中声明所需的权限,否则无法运行.下面是一个Mainifest.xml文件的例子: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="hi.braincol.loca…
add by zhj: 客户端通过request header:cookie将cookie发给服务端,而服务端通过response header: set-cookie将cookie传回客户端 一条cookie 就有一个 Set-Cookie. 格式是 key=value;Path=/;domain=xxxxx 这样的. 这是用fiddler对某discuz论坛一次请求的response header 截图.可以清晰的看到多条 Set-Cookie 用户其中一个站点登录,而且可以各个子频道间切换…
1. 一种解决方法设置每次清楚浏览的页面. In IE7, go to Tools  |  Internet Options.  Click the Browsing History "Settings" button.  Check for newer versions of stored pages: and select "Everytime I visit the page". 2. 设置访问页面的过期日期 response.setHeader ("…
本文转自:https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1952626-outlook-2016-will-not-display-web-linked-images Problem: I have one client with Outlook 2016 that will not show Web linked images in received emails.  Even if you choose download image it will not s…
Navigation To do this Press this Open a new window Ctrl + N Open a new tab Ctrl + T Open a new window in incognito mode Ctrl + Shift + N Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome Press Ctrl + O, then select file Open the link in a new tab in th…
Chrome插件 Extensions are small software programs that customize the browsing experience. They enable users to tailor Chrome functionality and behavior to individual needs or preferences. They are built on web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and…
https://serverfault.com/questions/840557/auto-login-a-user-at-boot-on-windows-server-2016 Use Sysinternals Autologon. It stores the credentials in the registry more securely than other methods. Autologon for Windows v3.10 https://technet.microsoft.co…