1. trim trim('aaa' from 'aaabbbccc') 这个是错误的.ora-30001: trim set should have only one character 2. initcap() 首字母变为大写 3. RMAN:minimize load 在10g之后,可以在backup命令中使用duration参数来控制备份的持续时间. Duration 参数有一个额外的关键字 minimize load,该关键字用于指示RMAN 最小化在给定持续时间内备份数据库所需的I…
1. 查询空值 条件为<>'' 是查不出结果的. 如果要查,应该使用 is not null 来查. QUESTION NO: 135 View the Exhibit and examine the data in the PRODUCTS table. You need to display product names from the PRODUCTS table that belong to the 'Software/Other1 category with minimum…
根据OU官方发布的考试大纲,OCP 1Z0-053考点如下: 1. Database Architecture and ASM Describe Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Set up initialization parameter files for ASM and database instances Start up and shut down ASM instances Administer ASM disk groups 2. Config…