most important things to do 1.joint phd preparations 2.journal paper to write 3.solid fundamental knowledge including English 4.body fitness 2016/10/31 Monday ########################################### additional 1.exercise C/C++ 2.exercise java 3.e…
most important things to do 1.joint phd preparations 2.journal paper to write 3.solid fundamental knowledge including English 4.body fitness 2016/10/31 Monday 1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.join the group meeting 3.modify ppt for…
2016/10/24 Monday forcus:find a way to try to recognize emotions in database2.0(see ppt Week 7) 1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.join the group meeting 2016/10/25 Tuesday forcus:learn<machine learning>Japan 1.modify ppt for yesterd…
most important things to do 1.joint phd preparations 2.journal paper to write 3.solid fundamental knowledge 4.body fitness 2016/10/17 Monday 1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.write introduction and words for email to professors abroa…
2016/9/19 Monday 1.make ppt for today's group meeting 2.recite 100 words <图解机器学习>ch1~ch2 4.15:15 participate in the group meeting 5.copy materials about interviews for isgf meeting & emotiw16 thesis from pc to u disk 5.finish tpo3 6.arr…
2016/9/26 Monday 1.make ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.ask teacher Xiqi&Liu some problems about scholarship 3.remove the binding of old iphone with Huaxia card 4.fill in the paper school scholarship He make ppt about our database 6.r…
2016/9/12 Monday 1.send present to Teacher Wei&hu 2.make ppt for 1st database 2.0 meeting for all members 3.exercise for at least 1 hour 4.recite 100 words<图解机器学习>till p12 and make conclusions about ch1 6.apply for ieee account and read a…
most important things to do 1.prepare for toefl 2.joint phd preparations trans thesis to write 4.solid fundamental knowledge 5.body fitness 2016/10/9 Sunday 1.handle procedures in bnu about going abroad to take the ICMI2016 conference 2.submit…
原文 第11章 享元模式(Flyweight Pattern) 概述:   面向对象的思想很好地解决了抽象性的问题,一般也不会出现性能上的问题.但是在某些情况下,对象的数量可能会太多,从而导致了运行时的代价.那么我们如何去避免大量细粒度的对象,同时又不影响客户程序使用面向对象的方式进行操作?享元模式j就可以让我们更好的复用我们内存中已存在的对象,降低系统创建对象实例的性能消耗 运用共享技术有效地支持大量细粒度的对象.[GOF <设计模式>] 结构图:   举例: 为了方便说清享元模式的核心,我…
2021.11.16 P2375 [NOI2014] 动物园(EXKMP+差分) 题意: PS:这道神题的背景让人疑惑,重点是当我飞快磨磨唧唧打出正确自认为正确的代码时,我第三个样例算出了144.讨论区一看,背景有大大的锅,哭了. 有n个字符串,对每个字符串S,设 num[i] 为 \(1 \dots i\) 的不重叠的相同的前缀和后缀的数量. 例如: abcababc 的 num 数组为 \(0,0,0,1,1,1,…