报错信息:Error:java: System Java Compiler was not found in classpath 使用IDEA启动的时候出现了这个错误,查找了很久,才找到解决办法 1.点击File --> Settings 2.依次点击Build,Execution,Deployment --> Compiler --> Java Compiler 3.把"Javac" 改成 "Eclipse" , 点击OK 4.重新启动项目即可…
错误定位 当时并没有弄明白为什么会出错,一脸懵逼相 解决办法: 将source compatibility和target compatibility都改为1.7,重新build就ok了. 错误原因: 官方解释 You can replace the type arguments required to invoke the constructor of a generic class with an empty set of type parameters (<>) as long as th…