EMC NW NMM to backup MS AG】的更多相关文章

To use EMC NW NMM to backup MS SQL always on database, that is a simple and safe way to protector data. Here is an example. node1,node2,node3 they are physical server name node is windows cluster name group1 and group 2 are always on group name so, w…
Following last article, how to restore MS AG database , that is in the following: You see ?  Cheer up , we will begin our trip now. From EMC NW console, we can see backup status. FULL BACKUP Incr backup (TLOG backup) AG different setting: What intere…
Dear all Yes ~ We can backup our sqlserver by EMC NW NMM. That is true and NW is a very very powerful and useful backup software. Why we use enterprse backup software ? Becase we believe that some day .when we need data , the software could bring nec…
As we said, sqlsever fail over cluster is perviously version of always on. The HA was guarenteed by OS not database. Therefor, we can not use windows cluster name as client name, because there is no windows cluster name in system. How and what to do…
A NW NMM backup sqlserver failed. wow , I realze that maybe I put too many database backup together at one time. plan to separate it into two backup policies. One is FCS , another is MES the I am begin: I use windows cluster name as client name selec…
EMC networker nmm can restore and recover sqlserver as different name to different location That is true. However, we should select this oprtions when installing NMM We need to build empty database on target machine. After that. Yes, you can set up t…
Last time, we talk about separate under one cluster backup into two diffetent AG backup. Does it works ? How is it ? Let we it this time: Unfortunately, there is still error when separation was done. It shows error soon or later. Maybe, Maybe , I nee…
终于可以模拟成功了虽然只是个实验但是很有借鉴意义. 前期的准备就不说了都懂直接上图吧 scanner -B networker_indexclone to find out the laster bootstrap SSID nsrdr to rebuild res on the remote temporary nw server…
scanner -ivp can help your new networker server recongize that only clone pool has data…
Dear : If you have to use EMC NW NDMA to backup oracle database and want to see what happen when backup failed. You can use this wau and do not do that way. Let use XXX as an example: nsrdasv -z /nsr/apps/config/nmda_oracle_XXX.cfg In that config fil…