Document Types Data first nothing in = nothing out! 任何网站的第一步是创建一个"Document Type"-几次安装后你会熟悉这个术语,但一开始可能有点令人困惑.Document Type在Umbraco中是一个数据容器,您可以添加数据字段/属性,编辑用户可以在其中输入数据和Umbraco中还可以使用它来输出相关部分"template"(稍后详细介绍这些). Document Types是无限扩展的,但是通常你会…
在上一篇文章中我们讨论了怎样在我们Umbraco7.0版本中去添加一个新的自定义的应用程序(或部分)和如何去定义一个树.现在我将给你展示你改何如添加视图,来使你的内容可以做一些更有意义的事情. The routing 从我们添加过tree这个类之后,我们添加了PluginController(“CustomSection“)属性.Umbraco将客户端请求的路由加到app_plugins文件夹中.逻辑类似: /app_plugins/{applicationName}/{treeAlias}/{…
In this tutorial, you learn how to create a common page layout for multiple pages in your application by taking advantage of view master pages. You can use a view master page, for example, to define a two-column page layout and use the two-column lay…
When you create a web API, it is often useful to create a help page, so that other developers will know how to call your API. You could create all of the documentation manually, but it is better to autogenerate as much as possible. To make this task…