Submitted by John Mechalas (... on Fri, 11/30/2012 - 08:37 Earlier this week I wrote about how to calculate the distance between two points…
How To Start Building Spatially Aware Apps With Google’s Project Tango “Tango can enable a whole new range of applications that simply weren’t possible before.” On a fundamental basis, a smartphone’s camera is not really a camera at all. Sure, it can…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
参考了: 再次感谢,但还是有些调整 一.在zuul服务中加入两个配置参数(location: /data/apps/temp # 上传文件的临时目录,basedir: /data/apps/temp) 二.在微服务中不要再加入上面的两个配置了,不然可能报错,不能正常上传成功…
版权所有,引用请注明出处:<< >> 本文所用示例下载 一个用Netron开发的实际应用请看:发布一个免费开源软件-- PAD流程图绘制软件PADFlowChart Netron 2.2原版代码下载 一.      概述 Netron是一个开源的图形开发库,它还有一个轻量级的版本叫NetronLight,本文不讨论NetronLight. 在NetronGraphLib…
My name is Charles Humble and I am here at QCon New York 2014 with Ian Robinson. Ian, can you introduce yourself to the InfoQ community? Hello, I am Ian Robinson, I am engineer at Neo Technology, I am based in London and I work on the Neo4j graph dat…
1. get JSON responses and go to : 2. write data contracts using C# All classes need to have a DataContract attribute, and all public properties that are to be serialized need to have a DataMember attribute, and both a getter a…
Idea Points (data) in same cluster are near each others, or are connected by each others. So: For a distance d,every points in a cluster always can find some points in the same cluster. Distances between points in difference clusters are bigger than…
API Reference-API参考 Accelerometer-加速度计 Tap into the device's motion sensor.-点击进入该设备的运动传感器. Camera-相机 Capture a photo using the device's camera.-使用设备的相机拍摄的照片. Capture-捕获 Capture media files using device's media capture applications.-使用设备的媒体捕获应用程序捕获的媒体…
Upgrade Guide This guide will point out the key points to be aware of when upgrading to version 3. All classes within the app directory have a new namespace of App, controllers and models/modules have the following namespaces for classes placed direc…