ResultMaps are used to map the SQL SELECT statement's results to JavaBeans properties. We can define ResultMaps and reference this resultMap query fromseveral SELECT statements. We can extend one <resultMap> query from another <resultMap> quer…
Getting Started with MyBatis Hello World Integration with Spring Bootstrapping MyBatis Configuring MyBatis using XML Environment, DataSource, TransactionManager Properties typeAliases typeHandlers Settings Mappers SQL Mappers Using XML Mapped stateme…
resultMap的元素是在MyBatis的最重要和最强大的元素.您可以通过使用MyBatis的结果映射减少高达90%的JDBC编码,在某些情况下,可以让你做JDBC不支持的事情. ResultMaps的设计是这样的简单语句不需要明确的结果映射,以及更复杂的报表要求不超过绝对必要说明的关系. 本章将只给你一个简单的介绍iBATIS的结果映射. 我们已经在MySQL下有EMPLOYEE表: CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( id INT NOT NULL auto_increment…
1.MyBatis.net介绍 MyBatis..net是一个简单,但是完整的ORM框架,它使你的实体对象与sql语句或者存储过程之间的映射变得很简单,并提供数据访问.包括两个主要框架 DataAccess FrameWork和DataMapper FrameWork DataAccessObject Framework and DataMapper Framework are completely separate and are not dependent on each other in…
MyBatis-Spring is a submodule of the MyBatis framework, which provides seamless integration with the popular dependency injection framework, Spring. 1. If you are using the Maven build tool, you can configure Mybatis' spring dependency as follows: <p…