这里有一些使得Samza和其它流处理项目不同的高层设计决策. The Stream Model 流模型 流是Samza job的输入和输出.Samza有非常强的流模械型——不仅是一个简单的消息交换系统.Samza中的stream是一个分区的.每个分区有序的.可重放的.多订阅者的,无损的消息序列.(A stream in…
这一页提供了关于流处理的背景知识,描述什么是Samza,以及它为何而生. what is messaging?什么叫消息? 消息系统是用来实现近实时异步计算的一种流行方式.当事件发生时,消息可以被放在消息队列里(ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ),发布-订阅系统(Kestrel, Kafka)里,或者日志汇集系统(Flume,Scribe)里.下游的消费者从这些系统里读消息,进行处理,或者根据消息内容采取行动. 假如你有一个网站,并且每次有人加载一个网页,就发送发一个"用户查看了页面&q…
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is an active and important research area with the promise for a high payoff in many business and scientific applications. One of the main tasks in KDD is classification. A particular efficient method for classif…
Comparison of the different algorithms for Polygon Boolean operations. Michael Leonov 1998 Intro…
Around September of 2016 I wrote two articles on using Python for accessing, visualizing, and evaluating trading strategies (see part 1 and part 2). These have been my most popular posts, up until I published my article on learning programming langua…