在web.xml 中添加错误页面配置,出现了这个报错 具体情况是这样的: 错误信息: Multiple annotations found at this line: - cvc-complex-type.2.2: Element 'location' must have no element [children], and the value must be valid. - cvc-pattern-valid: Value 'error.jsp' is not facet-valid wit…
hibernate中的xml配置文件Multiple annotations found at this line,出现这个红叉报错,直接是把 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 这一行先复制,然后在删掉,---在进行保存,保存好之后在把刚才复制的东西 拷贝进去.然后在保存,即可! mybatis出现问题,同理 一般都是hibernate.xml或者是mybatis.xml--------------------…
你的位置:首页 > Java编程 > eclipse发布项目报错:Multiple Contexts hava a path of “/xxx“ eclipse发布项目报错:Multiple Contexts hava a path of “/xxx“ Java编程 超过3073次围观 今天在用Eclipse开发项目的时候报错了: Problem Occurred 'Publishing to local tomcat at localhost...'has encountered a pro…
eclipse 启动项目报错:找不到 Spring 监听器类 org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener 严重: Error configuring application listener of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.c…