rosrun allows you to run an executable(可执行) in an arbitrary(任意) package without having to cd (or roscd) there first. roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS nodes locally and remotely via SSH, as well as setting parameters on the Parame…
中文稍后补充,先上官方原版教程.ROS Kinetic 搭配 Gazebo 7 附件----官方教程 Tutorial: ROS integration overview As of Gazebo 1.9 and ROS Hydro, Gazebo no longer has any direct ROS dependencies and is now installed as an Ubuntu stand-alone package. Historically using Gazebo wi…
roslaunch命令从launch文件中启动一个节点,它的使用方法如下: roslaunch [package] [filename.launch] 首先切换到beginner_tutorials文件下: roscd beginner_tutorials 提示: If roscd says similar to roscd: No such package/stack 'beginner_tutorials'. you will need to source the environment s…
Description: This tutorial introduces ROS using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level for debugging and roslaunch for starting many nodes at once debug工具 rqt_console rqt_logger_level rosrun rqt_console rqt_console #界面化的实时的日志监控 rosrun rqt_logger_level rqt_… Using rqt_console and roslaunch This tutorial introduces ROS using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level for debugging and roslaunch for starting many nodes at once. If you use ROS fuerte or ealie…
Design tip: Top-level launch files should be short, and consist of include's to other files corresponding to subcomponents of the application, and commonly changed ROS parameters. Design tip: Be aware of the tradeoffs when deciding how many top-level…
前言 个人理解错误的地方还请不吝赐教,转载请标明出处,内容如有改动更新,请看原博: 如有任何问题,feel free to contact me at 最近经常有朋友问到Kinect V2在Ubuntu下的开发问题,首先需要弄清楚的是你的设备是V1还是V2,这两个的驱动是不能通用的. 如下是V2(左)和V1(右).看看自己的设备,然后再决定用哪个安装方案. 本文针对的是V2的情况. 安装 1.首先…