
The SOLID principles The SOLID principles of Object Oriented Design include these five principles: SRP – Single Responsibility Principle OCP – Open/Closed Principle LSP – Liskov Substitution Principle ISP – Interface Segregation Principle DIP – Depen…
[中英对照]Introduction to DPDK: Architecture and Principles | DPDK概论: 体系结构与实现原理   Introduction to DPDK: Architecture and Principles | DPDK概论:体系结构与实现原理 Linux network stack performance has become increasingly relevant over the past few years. This is perfe…
Intention: more understandable, easier to maintain and easier to extend.(通过良好的设计使得代码easy and simple,从而实现将复杂的事情简单化) S — Single responsibility principle every module or class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided b…
SOLID 是面向对象设计5大重要原则的首字母缩写,当我们设计类和模块时,遵守 SOLID 原则可以让软件更加健壮和稳定.那么,什么是 SOLID 原则呢?本篇文章我将谈谈 SOLID 原则在软件开发中的具体使用. 单一职责原则(SRP) 单一职责原则(SRP)表明一个类有且只有一个职责.一个类就像容器一样,它能添加任意数量的属性.方法等.然而,如果你试图让一个类实现太多,很快这个类就会变得笨重.任意小的改变都将导致这个单一类的变化.当你改了这个类,你将需要重新测试一遍.如果你遵守 SRP,你的…
SOLID Principles Reference 1. Single Responsibility (ToRead) 2. Open/Closed 3. Liskov Substitution…
architecture⟨system⟩ fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution An architecture is what is fundamental to a system — not necessarily eve…
What is Systems Architecture ?   Systems Architecture is a generic discipline to handle objects (existing or to be created) called "systems", in a way that supports reasoning about the structural properties of these objects. Systems Architecture…
原文:SOLID Principles every Developer Should Know – Bits and Pieces SOLID Principles every devloper should know 面向对象为软件开发带来了新的设计方式,它使得开发者可以将具有相同目的或功能的数据结组合到一个类中来完成单一的目的,不需要考虑整个应用. 但是,面向对象编程没有减少混乱和不可维护的程序.正是这样,Robert C. Martin发展出了5条指南/准则,让开发者可以易于创建可读且易于…
OOP & SOLID Implementing DDD highly relies on the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and SOLID principles. Actually, it implements and extends these principles. So, a good understanding of OOP & SOLID helps you a lot while truly implementing the DD…
参考: 想法:定义一个 angular module 之后呢, 在许多的 controller 中会有一些公共的函数,或者是说在很多controller 中都要使用到的共同的方法,类似的逻辑其实是可以提取出来,进行封装. 这…