17.8 You are given an array of integers (both positive and negative). Find the contiguous sequence with the largest sum. Return the sum. LeetCode上的原题,请参见我之前的博客Maximum Subarray. 解法一: int get_max_sum(vector<int> nums) { int res = INT_MIN, sum = INT_MI…
Given a sequence of K integers { N1, N2, ..., *N**K* }. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { Ni, Ni+1, ..., *N**j* } where 1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum Subsequence is the continuous subsequence which has the largest sum of its elements. For example, g…
Given a positive integer N, how many ways can we write it as a sum of consecutive positive integers? Example 1: Input: 5 Output: 2 Explanation: 5 = 5 = 2 + 3 Example 2: Input: 9 Output: 3 Explanation: 9 = 9 = 4 + 5 = 2 + 3 + 4 Example 3: Input: 15 Ou…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1003 Max Sum Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 161361    Accepted Submission(s): 37794 Problem Description Given a sequence a[1],a[2],a[3]…
题目链接:https://vjudge.net/problem/HDU-1003 题目大意:给出一段序列,求出最大连续子序列之和,以及给出这段子序列的起点和终点. 解题思路:最长连续子序列之和问题其实有很多种求解方式,这里是用时间复杂度为O(n)的动态规划来求解. 思路很清晰,用dp数组来表示前i项的最大连续子序列之和,如果dp[i-1]>=0的话,则dp[i]加上dp[i-1]能够使dp[i]增大:若dp[i-1]<0的话,则重新以dp[i]为起点,起点更新. #include <cs…
做了Zenefits的OA,比面经里的简单多了..害我担心好久 阴险的Baidu啊,完全没想到用二分,一开始感觉要用DP,类似于极小极大值的做法. 然后看了答案也写了他妈好久. 思路是再不看M的情况下,最终结果的取值范围是[最大的元素,所有元素之和],然后就是用二分在这个范围里找. 注意二分的取舍要配合取舍方程,我用的方程是,保证子集的和都小于等于二分测试的那个二分M,然后集合数小于要求的m.一旦子集数量超过m,说明我们测试的二分M太小了,弄大点,才能让每个子集多放点元素,从而使得总子集数不超过…
Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays. Note:Given m satisfies the following const…
Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays. Note: Given m satisfies the following cons…
Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays. Note: Given m satisfies the following cons…
Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays. Note:If n is the length of array, assume t…