Computer Graphics Research Software】的更多相关文章

Computer Graphics Research Software Helping you avoid re-inventing the wheel since 2009! Last updated December 5, 2012.Try searching this page for keywords like 'segmentation' or 'PLY'.If you would like to contribute links, please e-mail them to rms@…
1 引言 2 数学知识 3 光栅算法 4 信号处理 5 线性代数 6 矩阵变换 7 观察 8 隐藏面消除 9 表面明暗处理 10 光线追踪 11 纹理映射 12 完整的图形流水线 13 图形学的数据结构 14 采样 15 曲线 16 计算机动画 17 使用图形硬件 18 构建交互式图形应用程序 19 光照 20 颜色 21 视觉感知 22 色调再现 23 全局照明 24 反射模型 25 基于图像的绘制 26 可视化 参考文献 1 引言 2 数学知识 3 光栅算法 4 信号处理 5 线性代数 6…
最近严重感觉到数学知识的不足! [译]Mathematics for Computer Graphics Mathematics for Computer Graphics数学在计算机图形学中的应用Greg Turk, August 1997 “学习计算机图形学需要多少的数学?”这是初学者最经常问的问题.答案取决于你想在计算机图形学领域钻研多深.如果仅仅使用周围唾手可得的图形软件,你不需要知…
Mathematics for Computer Graphics 最近严重感觉到数学知识的不足! [译]Mathematics for Computer Graphics Mathematics for Computer Graphics数学在计算机图形学中的应用Greg Turk, August 1997“学习计算机图形学需要多少的数学?”这是初学者最经常问的问题.答案取决于你想在计算机… Mesa (computer graphics) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     Mesa Original author(s) Brian Paul Developer(s) Intel, AMD, VMware(previously Tungsten Graphics)[1] Initial release August 1, 199…
Background Input\Output Image Knowledge Image Digital Image Processing Computer Vision Knowledge Computer Graphics Artificial Intelligence Materials Math Linear Algebra Calculus Differential Geometry Differential Equation & Matrix Equation Probabilit…
Notes of Computer Graphics 2.0: towards end-user-generated contents CG 1.0 Modeling: construct 3D model. Animation: animate dynamic behaviors. Rendering: simulate interactions between the light and the 3D model CG 1.0 CG 2.0 Creators professional use…
As I walked through the large poster-filled hall at CVPR 2013, I asked myself, “Quo vadis Computer Vision?" (Where are you going, computer vision?)  I see lots of papers which exploit last year’s ideas, copious amounts of incremental research, and an…
题目传送门 /* 水题:看见x是十的倍数就简单了 */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; ; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; int main(void) //HDOJ 4716…
Here is one question: how to tile texture? One thing worth to notice: The DirectX and OpenGL stipulate that a texture source(normally a picture)’s texture coordinate is fixed as [0,1], which mean that it’s smallest x and y coordinate is 0, and larges…