/* server: db: EDI */ -- 以下案例多次查询同一张表,仅有Name条件不同 --可以使用一次查出相关类容避免长时间占用表 USE EDI GO DECLARE @FileTypeID_X12850 int ,@FileTypeID_X12832 int ,@FileTypeID_X12846 int SELECT TOP 1 @FileTypeID_X12850 = ID FROM dbo.EDI_CFG_FileType WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE Name='…
/* server: db: EDI */ -- 以下案例多次查询同一张表,仅有组合条件Name+Direction不同 --可以使用一次查出相关类容避免长时间占用表 USE EDI GO DECLARE @OutBoundBusinessID_PO int ,@InboundBusinessID_ItemCatalog int ,@InboundBusinessID_Inventory int ,@InboundBusinessID_ShipNotice int ,@InboundBusine…
WAMP 80端口被Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0占用的解决办法 - likebeta - 博客园 http://www.cnblogs.com/likebeta/archive/2012/05/03/2480135.html 可能方法一: VS2010在更新了SP1后,会在开机时自动启动一个服务,占用WAMP的80端口,导致WAMP无法正常启动Apache.提示信息: Your port 80 is actually used by : Server: Microsoft-…
问题: 在Eclipse中运行Web项目Jsp网页启动Tomcat时提示端口被占用: Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat v9.0 Server at localhost are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this…
问题描述:(flaskApi) [root@67 flaskDemo]# service nginx start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start nginx.service Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl…
例:2018-12-28 15:00:00 1. var newDate = new Date("2018-12-28 15:00:00") 这种获取的时间在安卓手机上显示是正常的,在苹果手机上显示NaN 2. var newDate = new Date("2018/12/28 15:00:00") 这种获取的时间在安卓和苹果手机上都显示正常 3. 转换时间格式 .replace(/\-/g, "/") var newD…