title: woj1019 Curriculum Schedule 输入输出 date: 2020-03-19 10:43:00 categories: acm tags: [acm,woj] 水题,处理好输入输出就可以 1 描述 New semester has begun, a lot of students are going to print out their curriculum schedules. They are using the same template, as the…
LIN 使用了 1 根线来进行通信,但是,它必须要参考 VBat 和 GND.离开这两个参考电平,并没有办法来判断线上的 bit 状态. 另外,根据经典的 LIN 驱动电路(一个 OC 门),RX 接收到的高电平,就是由 Vbat 通过上拉电阻提供:当 TX 为 1 时,下面的三极管打开,RX 电平被拉低.接收到的高电平就是下面提到的隐性位,总线上电平被拉低接收到的就是所谓显性位. 实际的要比这个复杂,但是,这个很好的说明了 LIN 的通信原理.右侧图中,就是 LIN BUS 连接的…
AUTOSAR – RTE(1)基本概念 1. RTE概述 The Run-Time Environment (RTE) is at the heart of the AUTOSAR ECU architecture.The RTE is the realization (for a particular ECU) of the interfaces of the AUTOSARVirtual Function Bus (VFB). RTE是AUTOSAR中VFB的接口实现. The RTE p…
1.什么是RTE? The Run-Time Environment (RTE) is at the heart of the AUTOSAR ECU architecture. The RTE is the realization (for a particular ECU) of the interfaces of the AUTOSAR Virtual Function Bus (VFB). RTE是AUTOSAR中VFB的接口实现. The RTE provides the infras…
Sometimes a situation in project work arises to have a dynamic prompt table for record fields on PeopleSoft pages. In PeopleSoft itself dynamic prompt table functionality is utilized to a great extent. So, the question is: How to achieve the same?? W…
数据库结构和索引的是否合理在很大程度上影响了数据库的性能,但是随着数据库信息负载的增大,对数据库的性能也发生了很大的影响.可能我们的数据库在一开始有着很高的性能,但是随着数据存储量的急速增长—例如订单数据—数据的性能也受到了极大的影响,一个很明显的结果就是查询的反应会非常慢.在这个时候,除了你可以优化索引及查询外,你还可以做什么?建立分区表(Table Partition)可以在某些场合下提高数据库的性能,在SQL Server 2005中也可以通过SQL语句来创建表分区,但在SQL Serve…
PeopleSoft stores object definitions types such as Record, Field and SQL definitions as numbers in PeopleTools meta-tables. Here is a list of what each number means with respect to its definition. Definitions for Record Object Types The following ar…
This usage table lets usbhidctl decode the HID data correctly for the APC RS/XS1000's. This work was obtained from riccardo@torrini.org. Sample output is available both with and without the table. Note that the default /usr/share/misc/usb_hid_usages…
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects o, sysusers u WHERE o.uid=u.uid AND o.name = 'Table_Name' AND u.name = 'dbo' AND o.type = 'U') drop table Table_Name IF (@@error != 0) BEGIN PRINT "Error CREATING table 'databasename.dbo.tablename'" SELECT…
1.错误描述 org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: error executing work at org.hibernate.exception.internal.SQLStateConversionDelegate.convert(SQLStateConversionDelegate.java:123) at org.hibernate.exception.internal.StandardSQLExceptionConverter.con…
1 About DB Query Analyzer DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Genfeng,Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named 'DB Query Analyzer'and Simplified Chinese version named . DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Tools in…
DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Gen feng, Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named 'DB Query Analyzer' and Simplified Chinese version named . DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Tools in the world for its'…
Oracle 闪存查找历史代码 select * from (SELECT * FROM PSPCMTXT AS OF TIMESTAMP to_timestamp('20180725 18:00:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')) where OBJECTVALUE1='YX_AWE_PKG'; 因为找不到其他地方有相对完整的PeopleSoft表名,因为我自己总结了一份. 在这里尝试提供一个庞大的PeopleSoft表列表,以便当你想快速访问PeopleSo…