在12c建库中 Database  Vault 与 Label Security 选项,之前没有留意过,特意记录一下 12.1 中: 12.2 中: 转载: 本篇包含如下内容: ·         什么是Oracle Database Vault? ·         Oracle Database Vault组成部分 ·         Oracle Database Vault遵循哪些规范 · …
概要 在RHEL7静默方式安装oracle database 12.2 RAC. 一.环境配置 1. 配置hosts文件 cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_$(date +%Y%d%m) cat > /etc/hosts << EOF loopback localhost.localdomain localhost # Public orc1 orc2.exa…
一,简介 二,配置虚拟机 1,创建虚拟机 (1)添加三块儿网卡:   主节点 二节点 eth0:    公网   NAT eth0:    公网   NAT eth1:私网     host-only eth1:      私网   host-only eth2:    DHCP    Bridged eth2:     DHCP    Bridged 主机名:…
P6 EPPM Manual Installation Guide (Oracle Database) P6 EPPM Manual Installation Guide (Oracle Database) Contents Oracle Database Manual Configuration Overview ,,★★5 Oracle Database Installation ,,★★6 Creating the Database Structure for Oracle and Loa…
设置了RemoveIPC=yes 的RHEL7.2  会crash掉Oracle asm 实例和Oracle database实例,该问题也会在使用Shared Memory Segment (SHM) or Semaphores (SEM)的应用程序中发生.来源于:ALERT: Setting RemoveIPC=yes on Redhat 7.2 Crashes ASM and Database Instances as Well as Any Application That Uses a…
环境:Windows 2008 R2 + Oracle 应用最新bundle patch后,扫描依然报出漏洞 Oracle Database Server 'TNS Listener'远程数据投毒漏洞(CVE-2012-1675) 1.确定解决方案 2.应用解决方案 3.验证修补情况 4.Reference 1.确定解决方案 安全厂家给出的解决办法: 链接:…
參考:1529864.1 ************************************************** RAM                                  Swap Space Between 1 GB and 2 GB       1.5 times the size of RAM Between 2 GB and 16 GB      Equal to the size of RAM More than 16 GB                …
1. Copy or remotely mount the backupset folder from the source server to the target server 2. On the target server, export ORACLE_SID as same as the source database and run "rman target /" 3. Restore spfile from backup: RMAN> startup nomount;…
Today, organizations stores information(data) in different database systems. Each database system has a set of applications that run against it. This data is just bits and bytes on a file system - and only a database can turn the bits and bytes of da…