Issue: There are many root causes to make your openstack vm instances cannot be reached from external network. But one of them in my case is VMs and Host (Openstack host) can only ping each other successfully; others are all failed, including vms can…
Summary of installation Step 0: Prerequisites Step 1: Create Openstack hostsystem Step 2: Config Openstack host system : Install Openstackplatform : Login Openstack Step 5: Config to access external network Step 0: Prerequisites Software ·Red Hat Ent…
Issue: When you want to create an image in RDO stack newton version, you may encounter following error. The current Horizon settings indicate no valid image creation methods are available. Providing an image location and/or uploading from the local f…
Issue: When you install RDO stack on CentOS, you may encounter following error. Error: [root@localhost ~]# packstack --allinone ERROR:root:Failed to load plugin from file ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/p…
issue==== INFO neutron.api.v2.resource [req-79a36d02-114b--b9ed-0a10c6d69451 ] update failed (client error): External network fb519e52-0f68-44c7-8d9e-a01cae24c0a6 is not reachable from subnet 05bf68d3-3bb4--8c30-c7bb8ead39a0. Therefore, cannot associ…
Issue: When you create an instance, but cannot connect to the VNC Server because of the error message, "Failed connect to server". Reason: Your nova vnc configuration may be mapped to wrong vnc server. Solution: 1. vi /etc/nova/nova.conf 2. find…
Issue: When you launch an instance in Newton, you may find that the instance cannot be started due to following error message. No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available. Solution: 1. Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf 2. Change ram_allocati…
基于 VIOS 的虚拟以太网适配器的工作原理和配置实现 本文对 Power 系统中基于 VIOS 的虚拟以太网适配器(Virtual Ethernet Adapter)的工作原理.基本配置选项和配置步骤进行了讲解,并介绍了两种常用的 High Availability 的配置场景.Power System 的系统工程师可以通过本文了解虚拟以太网适配器的配置方法,软件工程师则可以学习到虚拟以太网适配器的工作原理. PowerVM 中相关概念简介 Power System 通过 PowerVM 软件…
造成错误的原因是用bat代码清理系统垃圾时造成的权限丢失而引起的 错误描述 1.An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for RewriterConfig: Access to the temp directory is denied.  Identity 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' under which XmlSerializer is running does not ha…
A Mandatory Access Control (MAC) aware firewall includes an extended rule set for MAC attributes, such as a security label or path. Application labels may be used to identify processes and perform firewall rule-checking. The firewall rule set may inc…