一.Sublime Text3的下载安装 建议直接去官网下载最新版deb安装包:http://www.sublimetext.com/3 二.Sublime Text3的破解 3114版 -– BEGIN LICENSE -– Michael Barnes Single User License EA7E-821385 …
一.MySQL建库和建账号 1. mysql中创建数据库jiradb create database jiradb character set 'UTF8'; 2.创建数据库用户并赋于权限 create user jirauser identified by 'jira'; //创建用户名为jirauser,密码为jira的帐号 grant all privileges on *.* to 'jirauser'@'%' identified by 'jira' with grant option…
Source insight最新版本3572 下载链接:http://www.sourceinsight.com/down35.html, http://www.sourceinsight.com/distribute/Si3570Setup.exe 注冊号:SI3US-205035-36448 1.卸载掉旧版安装新版, 可能会有提示" An invalid source insight serial number was detected",然后不能使用. watermark/2…