三.七牛老许 qlang: github qiniu/qlang microservice architecture: http://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html Service Governance Authorization Logging Change management Central configuration Scale in and scale out Overload Protection Service degrad…
Using Sessions and Session Persistence The following sections describe how to set up and use sessions and session persistence: Overview of HTTP Sessions Setting Up Session Management Configuring Session Persistence Using URL Rewriting Instead of Cook…
RHM-M60挖掘机力矩限制器RHM-M60 excavator crane moment limiter RHM-M60型挖掘机力矩限制器是臂架型起重机机械的安全保护装置,本产品采用32位高性能微处理器为硬件平台 ,软件算法采用国内最先进的液压取力算法,该算法吸收多年的现场经验,不断改进完善而成.本产品符合<GB12602-2009起重机械超载保护装置安全技术规范>. RHM-M60 excavator crane moment limiter is a safety protect…
How the production environment at Google fits together for networking, monitoring and finishing with a sample service architecture at Google. I am a Site Reliability Engineer at Google, annotating the SRE book in a series of posts. The opinions state…
1,四种末端区域骨干区域和标准区域:1,2,3,4,5,包含5类LSA,为了减少某些普通区域的LSA(主要就是4类和5类,有时做绝到连3类也不要了),引入了末梢区域.同时为了确保数据能出去,一般ABR会自动引入默认路由.即“外面怎么精彩不用告诉我,我只要能出去即可”. 收到的LSA 默认路由 配置命令 stub 1,2,3 自动下放(3类LSA) area x stub totally stub 1,2 自动下放(3类LSA) area x stub no-su NSSA 1,2,3,…
Single Inductor Buck-Boost Converter in Tiny WCSP The TPS63036 is a non inverting buck-boost converter able to provide a regulated output voltage from an input supply that can be higher or lower than the output voltage. The buck-boost converter is ba…
Vitrual Memory In order to manage memory more efficiently and with fewer errors, modern systems provide an abstraction of main memory known as virtual memory (VM). Virtual memory is an elegant interaction of hardware exceptions, hardware ad-dress tra…
#!/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "Insufficient permissions. Use sudo or root account." 1>&2 exit 1fi my_default_prompt=0if test "$#" != "0"; then if test "$#" != "1&quo…
We could find some important clue in Restore Point because "System Protection" of volume C is enabled in Windows default settings. Lots of data in "My Documents", "Desktop", and "Favorotes". Further more lots of Win…
今天上班有个朋友询问我,相关Percona Data Recovery Tool for InnoDB恢复数据中的一些问题,比如说delete,没法恢复数据,原先做过类似的异常处理就,再次模拟了下相关的恢复操作流程,仅供学习使用:相关的配置工具策略网上很多,这里我就一笔带过了,不再进行详述,下面就开始梳理相关的细节问题: [root@Mysql64 local]# mysql -uroot -proot Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end wi…
etop是erlang进程信息查看工具,类似于UNIX的top. 一.配置参数 node The measured node. Value: atom() Mandatory setcookie Cookie to use for the etop node - must be the same as the cookie on the measured node. Value: atom() lines Number of lines (processes) to display. Value…