$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros euroc_datasets.launch args:="-d RGBD/CreateOccupancyGrid false Odom/Strategy 9 OdomVINS/ConfigPath ~/catkin_ws/src/VINS-Fusion/config/euroc/euroc_stereo_imu_config.yaml" MH_seq:=true raw_images_for_odom:=true $ cd ~/Downl…
在spark中,RDD.DataFrame.Dataset是最常用的数据类型,本博文给出笔者在使用的过程中体会到的区别和各自的优势 共性: 1.RDD.DataFrame.Dataset全都是spark平台下的分布式弹性数据集,为处理超大型数据提供便利 2.三者都有惰性机制,在进行创建.转换,如map方法时,不会立即执行,只有在遇到Action如foreach时,三者才会开始遍历运算,计算情况下,如果代码里面有创建.转换,但是后面没有在Action中使用对应的结果,在执行时会被直接跳过,如 va…
What’s New, What’s Changed and How to get Started. Are you ready for Apache Spark 2.0? If you are just getting started with Apache Spark, the 2.0 release is the one to start with as the APIs have just gone through a major overhaul to improve ease-of-…
Of all the developers’ delight, a set of APIs that makes them productive, that are easy to use, and that are intuitive and expressive is the most attractive delight. One of Apache Spark’s appeal to developers has been its easy-to-use APIs, for operat…
Preparation: Remap topic from D435i to rtabmap Feed the odometry to rtabmap In the rqt_graph of vins_estimator, topic /vins_estimator/odometry is what rtabmap needs. Running Launch rtabmap: roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch rtabmap_args:="--delete…
构建data_loader原理步骤 # engine/default.py from detectron2.data import ( MetadataCatalog, build_detection_test_loader, build_detection_train_loader, ) class DefaultTrainer(SimpleTrainer): def __init__(self, cfg): # Assume these objects must be constructed…
1.Spark SQL,DataFrame,DataSet的错误类型检测时机 spark SQL:其类型检测与语法检测是在运行时检测的 DataFrame:在spark2.0以前的版本中,DataFrame是类型不安全的,其类型检查是在运行时才检查的,语法检查倒是在编译时检查的 DataSet:类型检测和语法检测是在编译时检测 2. DataSet的性能比RDD的性能更好,实现代码更简洁,且内存利用率更高 通过统计单词的计数来举例: RDDs的实现(words的获取各自已经实现好了的) val…
本文作者 任旭倩,公众号:计算机视觉life,编辑成员 欧洲 英国伦敦大学帝国理工学院 Dyson 机器人实验室 http://www.imperial.ac.uk/dyson-robotics-lab 简介: 伦敦帝国理工学院戴森机器人实验室成立于2014年,由Andrew Davison.教授领导.是戴森公司和帝国理工学院领导机器人视觉小组Andrew Davison教授的合作实验室,Andrew Davison是视觉SLAM领域的先驱,戴森提供大量的资金和支持,以建立一个机器人专家团队,他…
忙于图像处理和DCNN,很长时间不使用ROS,重新安装系统后,再次使用ORB-SLAM2(ROS)进行三维重建和实时追踪的演示. 参考以前的文章:ROS:ubuntu-Ros使用OrbSLAM ORB-SLAM2(ROS)的GitHub链接: raulmur的主页:https://github.com/raulmur/ ORB-SLAM2使用了RGB_D相机,可以在Kinect收集得到的数据集上进行演示. 转述一下ORB-SLAM2的教程 一.ORB-SLAM2 安装 Authors: Raul…
FMD Stereo SLAM: Fusing MVG and Direct Formulation Towards Accurate and Fast Stereo SLAM FMD Stereo SLAM:融合MVG和直接方法,实现准确,快速的双目SLAM Fulin Tang, Heping Li, Yihong Wu We propose a novel stereo visual SLAM framework considering both accuracy and speed at…