perl FAQ(zz)】的更多相关文章

1. Why do you write a program in Perl? Ans : Easy to use and fast execution since perl script undergoes only two phases like compile phase and run phase. 2. What is the difference between chop & chomp functions in perl? Ans : Chop removes last charac…
comp.lang.javascript FAQ Version 32.2, Updated 2010-10-08, by Garrett Smith FAQ Notes 1 Meta-FAQ meta-questions 1.1 Which newsgroups deal with javascript? 1.2 What questions are on-topic for comp.lang.javascript? 1.3 What should I do before posting t…
1. What is the race condition in verilog? Ans :The situation when two expressions are allowed to execute at same instance of time without mentioning the order of execution. 2. List the levels of abstraction in verilog? Ans : 1. Behavioral level 2. Re…
1.Which is the command used to find the available shells in your Operating System Linux ? Ans : $echo $shell 2.Which is the command used to view the environment variables? Ans: printenv 3. How do you recall last command from the history list in Cshel…
1. What is clocking block? Ans: Clocking block can be declared using the keywords clocking and endclocking. A clocking block is mainly used in the testbench in order to         avoid race conditions. Clocking blocks are used to assemble all the signa…
It seems my pgpool-II does not do load balancing. Why? First of all, pgpool-II' load balancing is "session base", not "statement base". That means, DB node selection for load balancing is decided at the beginning of session. So all SQL…
perl语言的核心是正则表达式,在文本处理上非常有优势,与python类似,但语法不同,perl的语法很灵活,用多了才会觉得好用. 常用知识点总结: perl语法类似于C语言(perl源于Unix),语句由逗号划分,代码层次使用花括号{}划分,但是不必声明变量类型: 标量变量($name),数组(@name),哈希结构(%name),类型标识符,文件句柄没有标识符: 哈希结构可以使用列表创建,但不要以为它也是由圆括号括起来的:在使用键时,用花括号.(特别注意) 数字之间比较用(==.>=.<=…
Perl本身自带了很丰富的文档,如果把它们都打印出来,恐怕要耗费大量纸墨.我们试图清点过,但数到2000页左右的时候就数不清了(不用担心,我们用虚拟打印机计算页面数量,这样不会对树木造成威胁,挺环保的). Perl文档中包含大量有价值的信息,这些文档绝对值得仔细品读,哪怕只花一点功夫,学会如何从这些文档中查找所需的资料也是值得的.要从这些文档中迅速找到需要的内容,除了要具备相关的知识外,得力的工具也必不可少. 1. perldoc文档阅读器 perldoc这个命令能搜索Perl安装目录树中内嵌文…
同时学perl.python和shell脚本会很容易将它们的语法搞混,本文主要是一个个人的总结,方便要用时的查询. perl基本语法.安装.帮助文档 文件头格式: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; 运行perl脚本: #调用perl程序 perl #可执行脚本 ./ 基本读写: #键盘输入 $a = <STDIN>; chomp($a); print $a; #文件输入 open(IN, "…
不建议先rm 先下载tar.gz ...然後手动安装..default 安装到/usr/local/目录下.. 然後修改/usr/bin/perl的symbolic link到/usr/local/bin/perl zjzc01:/root/perl-5.22.1# tar -zxvf perl-5.22.1.tar.gz #./Configure -des -Dprefix=/usr/local/perl 参数-Dprefix指定安装目录为/usr/local/perl #make #make…