Lagom production deployment】的更多相关文章

tutorial: 一.harbor deployment: #harbor compose wget…
In this lesson, we’ll make a few small changes to our scripts and add some environment variables that will be used at build time to get our application ready to be deployed to a production environment using the now service. Once properly configured,…
Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous integration (CI) is the process that ensures the stability of all the available developer source code. All working copies of source code are merged into the trunk/main line (instead of a main branch, this can be…
<Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录> Update 2016-09-28 想要在Azure云端,使用AzCopy工具,从Azure China 上海数据中心存储账户,把文件拷贝到另一个数据中心的存储账户里,速度达到600MB/S 请按照以下方法: 1.在微软云端,创建1台至少8Core的虚拟机.注意AzCopy在执行时是多线程的,Azure云端的虚拟机配置越高,则AzCopy性能越好 2.安装AzCopy 3.在执行AzCopy的时候,加参数 /SyncCopy 请注…
When you work in a team, different developers will use different configuration keys in theirapplication.conf. For example, the log level, some database configuration… This generally leads to recurrent conflicts when you commit the file using your VCS…
Abstract: An ASP .NET application must enable custom error pages in order to prevent attackers from mining information from the framework's built-in error responses. Explanation: ASP .NET applications should be configured to use custom error pages in…
一.简介 在网页应用中,你经常需要在处理完表单或其它类型的用户输入后,显示一个通知消息(也叫做“flash message”)给用户 对于这个功能,Django 提供基于Cookie 和会话的消息,无论是匿名用户还是认证的用户. 其消息框架允许你临时将消息存储在请求中,并在接下来的请求(通常就是下一个请求)中提取它们并显示.每个消息都带有一个特定level 标签,表示其优先级(例如info.warning 或error) 二.启用消息框架 消息框架的实现通过一个中间件 类和对应的context… This post will cover installing and basic configuration of Tomcat 7 on CentOS 5.x. The procedure can be used for Fedora and RHEL as well. Tomcat 7 implements the JavaServer Pages 2.2 and…
This is a guest blog from Robin Moffatt. Robin Moffatt is Head of R&D (Europe) at Rittman Mead, and an Oracle ACE. His particular interests are analytics, systems architecture, administration, and performance optimization. This blog is also posted on…
Pretend that you're working on an open source project for searching the web by crawling websites and indexing them. You have an implementation that works on a small cluster of machines but requires a lot of manual steps. Pretend too that you're worki…