Tensorflow Chapter-6】的更多相关文章

本文转载自:https://blog.csdn.net/LoseInVain/article/details/78763303 TensorFlow支持广播机制(Broadcast),可以广播元素间操作(elementwise operations).正常情况下,当你想要进行一些操作如加法,乘法时,你需要确保操作数的形状是相匹配的,如:你不能将一个具有形状[3, 2]的张量和一个具有[3,4]形状的张量相加.但是,这里有一个特殊情况,那就是当你的其中一个操作数是一个具有单独维度(singular…
Voting classifier 多种分类器分别训练,然后分别对输入(新数据)预测/分类,各个分类器的结果视为投票,投出最终结果: 训练: 投票: 为什么三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮.通过大数定律直观地解释: 一个硬币P(H)=0.51.大数定律保证抛硬币很多次之后,平均得到的正面频数接近\(0.51 \times N\),并且N越大,越接近.那么换个角度,N表示同时掷硬币的人数,即为这边的N个臭皮匠,他们的结果合到一起就得到的是接近真实结果的值. 进一步根据中心极限定理,即二项分布以正态分布为其极…
之前摸爬滚打总是各种坑,今天参考这篇文章终于解决了,甚是鸡冻\(≧▽≦)/,电脑不知道怎么的,安装不了16.04,就安装15.10再升级到16.04 requirements: Ubuntu 16.04 python 2.7 Flask tensorflow GPU 版本 安装nvidia driver 经过不断踩坑的安装,终于google到了靠谱的方法,首先检查你的NVIDIA VGA card model sudo lshw -numeric -C display 可以看到你的显卡信息,比如…
##机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料(Chapter 2)---#####注:机器学习资料[篇目一](https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/dl.md)共500条,[篇目二](https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/dl2.md)开始更新------#####希望转载的朋友**一定要保留原文链接**,因为这个项目还在继续也在不定期更新.希望看到…
Softmax Regression Chapter Basics generate random Tensors Three usual activation function in Neural Network Softmax funcion Softmax Regression Logistic Regression Softmax Regression Examples Basics generate random Tensors Three usual activation funct…
Datasets and Estimators are two key TensorFlow features you should use: Datasets: The best practice way of creating input pipelines (that is, reading data into your program). Estimators: A high-level way to create TensorFlow models. Estimators includ…
From: TensorFlow Object Detection API This chapter help you to train your own model to identify objects required. 1. Data 1.1 Get your own data 标准的范例,从ImageNet上获取数据集 Get your own data from ImageNet Download tiny-imagenet-200.zip, which is smaller tha…
本章介绍tf基础知识,主要包括cookbook的第一.二章节. 方针:先会用,后定制 Ref: TensorFlow 如何入门? Ref: 如何高效的学习 TensorFlow 代码? 顺便推荐该领域三件装备: How TensorFlow Works? Steps Import or generate datasets Transform and normalize data Partition datasets into train, test, and validation sets Se…
In this chapter, we'll cover the following recipes: Implementing Operational Gates Working with Gates and Activation Functions Implementing an One-Hidden-Layer Neural Network Implementing Different Layers Using Multilayer Networks Improving Predictio…
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are responsible for the major breakthroughs in image recognition made in the past few years. In this chapter we will cover: Implementing a Simpler CNN Implementing an Advanced CNN Retraining Existing CNN models Ap…