新概念 Lesson 3 Nice to meet you】的更多相关文章

Nice to meet you. 你好 打招呼: hi,hello 重点: 打招呼和互相介绍.主系表结构 Is Chang-woo Chinese? 昌武是中国人吗? No,he isn't . He's Korean.  Mr. 先生 sir: 也是"先生"的意思 Mr.: 后面加上这位先生的姓氏,认识,熟悉的人 sir: 常常单独使用,一般是不认识的 Alex Johnny Wilson: 阿雷克斯·约翰·威尔逊先生 Alex: first name, 可能是教父,牧师,或者父母…
打招呼用语: Good morning, Good afternoon,Good evening Nice to meet you. How do you do? She is French. 她是法国人   主系表结构 What's your name? My name is... What's your job? 0 What is Robert's job? He is an engineer. name  n.名字   Alex Johnny Wilson Alex: first nam…
Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? Yes,it is. /No it isn't 人称代词的主格宾格 形容性物主代词的用法 Does the man get his umbrella? 这个男子拿到了他的雨伞吗? umbrella n. 伞 n. -> noun: 名词 e.g 我的雨伞: My umbrella 你的雨伞: Your umbrella 他/她的雨伞: his/her umbrella ticket n.票 e.g.  一张电影票: a movie…
xu言: 从哪里跌倒,就从哪里爬起来.希望这次真的能够坚持下去... standard  ['stændəd]    pronunciation [prə,nʌnsɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] basic  grammar knowledge ['nɒlɪdʒ] conversation  [kɒnvə'seɪʃ(ə)n]  sentences patterns ['pætɚn]  Whose handbag is it? It's the lady's. excuse me: 希望引起对方注意 nea…
How is Emma? 艾玛身体还好吗? 短语:very well How's Emma? She's very well, too. Emma is very well today   adv. 今天 o: 不发[o]   而发[ə] 做副词,表示今天 e.g.    I am late today. 我今天迟到了. today 做副词,句中位置灵活 Today I am late. > I 始终大写 today: 名词    成分不一样 e.g.  Today is my birthday…
新概念英语2,lesson 45 练习听力…
发现身边很多程序员都能看懂英文技术文章的60%-80%内容,但大家都有一个毛病,就是不会说,不会写作,在逛英文技术社区的时候,想发表点什么评论,总担心自己写的话有错误.究其原因, 我觉得主要原因是因为平时生活中用得少.新概念英语第一册到第三册看似虽然简单,一篇课文貌似看下来几乎没有生词,而且都能看懂:但如果要你写这样简单的文章,你能和写中文一样写出来吗?或用英语讲一个这样的故事,你能流利的讲好它吗?如果不能,就和我一起从简单开始坚持学习新概念英语吧,每天背一篇,你在面试填写个人信息的时候,就可以…
新概念英语(1-65)Not a Baby Does Jill take the key to the front door? A:What are you going to do this evening, Jill? B:I'm going to meet some friends, Dad. A:You mustn't come home late. You must be home at half pass ten. B:I can't get home so early, Dad! C…
新概念英语(1-47)A cup of coffee How does Ann like her coffee? A:Do you like coffee, Ann? B:Yes, I do. A:Do you want a cup? B:Yes, please, Christine. A:Do you want any sugar? B:Yes, please. A:Do you want any milk? B:No, thank you.I don't like milk in my co…
新概念英语(1-45)The boss's letter Why can't Pamela type the letter? A:Can you come here a minute, please, Bob? B:Yes, sir? A:Where's Pamela? B:She is next door. She is in her office,sir. A:Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please. B:Yes, sir. A:Can…