好好的程序,突然出现了错误,原因是:System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater,很是奇怪 服务器上的oracle明明是10g,程序出错就也不提示8.1.7啊,百度了一下,发现有解决方法如下: 原来当Oracle 9.2运行在NTFS的分区上时,对于某些非administrator组的用户,ORACLE_HOME 目录是不可见的,而在windows server 2003下asp…
It is a security issue, so to fix it simply do the following: Go to the Oracle folder. 1- Right Click on the folder. 2- On security Tab, Add “Authenticated Users” and give this account Read & Execute permission. 3- Apply this security for all folders…
stdafx.h: // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently #pragma once #using <mscorlib.dll> #using <System.dll> #using <System.Dat…