B. Ping-Pong (Easy Version) time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In this problem at each moment you have a set of intervals. You can move from interval (a, b) from our set to in…
3868 - Earthstone: Easy Version Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice ZOJ 3867 Description Earthstone is a famous online card game created by Lizard Entertainment. It is a collectible card g…
题目链接:Pictures with Kittens (easy version) 题意:给定n长度的数字序列ai,求从中选出x个满足任意k长度区间都至少有一个被选到的最大和. 题解:$dp[i][j]$:以i为结尾选择j个数字的最大和. $dp[i][j]=max(dp[i][j],dp[s][j-1]+a[i])$,$s为区间[i-k,i)$. 以i为结尾的最大和可以由i之前k个位置中的其中一个位置选择j-1个,再加上当前位置的ai得到. #include <cstdio> #includ…
Problem UVA12569-Planning mobile robot on Tree (EASY Version) Accept:138  Submit:686 Time Limit: 3000 mSec  Problem Description  Input The first line contains the number of test cases T (T ≤ 340). Each test case begins with four integers n, m, s, t (…
Coffee and Coursework (Easy version) time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The only difference between easy and hard versions is the constraints. Polycarp has to write a coursewor…
1114 ModricWang's FFT EASY VERSION 思路 利用FFT做大整数乘法,实际上是把大整数变成多项式,然后做多项式乘法. 例如,对于\(1234\),改写成\(f(x)=1*x^3+2*x^2+3*x+4\),那么\(x=10\)处的值就是原数.类似的,对于输入的两个大整数,转换为\(f(x)\) 和\(g(x)\) ,利用FFT求出\(h(x)=f(x)*g(x)\) ,此时\(h(10)\) 就是乘积. 代码 #include <cstdio> #include…
06-图2 Saving James Bond - Easy Version (25 分) This time let us consider the situation in the movie "Live and Let Die" in which James Bond, the world's most famous spy, was captured by a group of drug dealers. He was sent to a small piece of land…
任意门:http://codeforces.com/contest/1118/problem/F1 F1. Tree Cutting (Easy Version) time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given an undirected tree of nn vertices. Some vert…
任意门:http://codeforces.com/contest/1118/problem/D1 D1. Coffee and Coursework (Easy version) time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The only difference between easy and hard versions…
F1. Pictures with Kittens (easy version) 题目链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1077/problem/F1 题意: 给出n个数,以及k,x,k即长度为k的区间至少选一个,x的意思是一共要选x个,少一个或者多一个都不行. 选一个会得到一定的奖励,问在满足条件的前提下,最多得到多少的奖励. 题解: 简单版本数据量比较小,考虑比较暴力的动态规划. dp[i,j]表示前i个数,要选第i个数,目前选了j个所得到的最大奖励,那么当…