报错一: Unknown custom element: <custom-select> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option 代码: html <custom-select v-bind:list="list2"></custom-select> js…
报错 :Vuex - Computed property “name” was assigned to but it has no setter 如何解决: computed: { addModal: { get: function () { return this.$store.state.addModal }, set: function (newValue) { this.$store.state.addModal = newValue } } }, 设置一个set…
本包子今天遇见一个问题,就是明明写了$scope,xx=function()但是报错了,报错显示是该函数未定义,我就很着急的先将函数写成一个全局函数,就没问题,等下午有空的时候寻思了一下,为什么全局就行呢,后来尝试将之前写的$scope.xxx=function()放在最上面,发现就没有报错了,才明白过来,这个angularjs中的函数原来是有执行的顺序的,写调用方法的时候,最好写在上面,so de si nei! 自己基本功还是很不扎实,得多多锻炼啊…
报错提示: Module build failed: Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In G:\project\vue\nuxt-learn\node_modules\backpack-core\babel.js 问题原因:backpack-core模块版本低. 解决:更新backpack-core npm install --save-dev backpack-core…