Hosting WCF Service】的更多相关文章

After creating a WCF service, the next step is to host it so that the client applications can consume it. This is known as WCF service hosting. A WCF service can be hosted by using any of the four ways given below: 在创建wcf服务后,下一个步骤就是托管该服务,确保客户端应用可以使用它… After creating a WCF service, the next step is to host it so that the client applications can consume it. This is known as WCF service hosting. A WCF service can be hosted by using any of the…
之前在博客几个实例DemoWCF服务寄宿到控制到应用程序中,这篇来总结一下,经常使用的几种宿主的方式. 1.Self-Hosting 一个WCF服务可以寄宿在控制台应用程序或者WinForms application中. 1.1.长处 A.很easy的建立.把须要的配置都写在配置文件里.代码写的很少 B.很easy去调试,不用附加进程 C.支持全部的Bindings和传输协议 D.很灵活的去控制服务的生命周期通过打开和关闭方法去控制 1.2.缺点 A.仅仅有当服务宿主执行时,WCF服务才干够供c…
How messages reach a service endpoint is a matter of protocols and hosting. IIS can host services over HTTP protocol,the Windows Activation Service (WAS) can support others such as TCP and named pipes,and self-hosting can support many protocols and i…
Hosting Multiple Service Implementations On The Same Port With WCF Recently I have been playing around with WCF and Visual Studio 2008.  I was building a set of web services.  The project consisted of two difference service interfaces (IServiceA and… Until today I never had to host a WCF service in IIS… I always prefered using a ServiceHost in a Windows Service. Before getting my service up and running I…
Deploying an Internet Information Services-Hosted WCF Service .NET Framework 4   Other Versions .NET Framework 4.5 .NET Framework 3.5 .NET Framework 3.0   Visual Studio 2010 provides two different ways to deploy a WCF service to be hosted under IIS.…
WCF services allow other applications to access or consume them. A WCF service can be consumed by many ways depending on the hosting type. Here, we are explaining the step-by-step method to consume a WCF service for each of the following popular host…
原文: 通过WCF Service Configuration Editor的配置修改Client端 参考 在上篇文章创建一个简单的WCF程序中, 通过编码的方式进行终结点的添加和服务行为的定义,但在进行真正的WCF应用开发时,一般会直接是通过配置的方式进行. 对于初学者来说,WCF的配置显得过于复杂,直接对配置文件进行手工编辑不太现实.在这种情况下,可以直接使用VS提供的配置工具WCF Service…
一个WCF请求由两个线程来完成 运行在IIS上的WCF service, 你可能会注意到一个比较有趣的现象. 当WCF service接收到一个请求时, 这个请求实际上会有两个线程在执行这个请求. 一个线程是来自于CLR的ThreadPool的线程. 这是一个Worker Thread用于接收.svc页面的访问请求. 另外一个线程是 I/O 线程, 用于执行WCF的逻辑. 你可以参考下面的实例代码. 该代码用于模拟一个WCF执行时间比较长的场景. [ServiceContract]public…