在Win32 SDK中创建一些控件的时候需要注意一下(具体是哪些控件请参看MSDN文档中列出来的) /* MSDN:Carries information used to load common control classes from the * dynamic-link library (DLL).This structure is used with the InitCommonControlsEx function. * 需要使用的结构体和函数 */ typedef struct tag…
android无法静态显示ui效果. Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout? Use the Theme combo box above the layout to choose a different layout, or fix the theme style references. Failed to find style 'textViewStyle' in current theme 採用的解决方法例如以…
I would like a user to be able to type in the second or third word from a TComboBoxitem and for that item to appear in the AutoSuggest dropdown options For example, a combo box contains the items: Mr John Brown Mrs Amanda Brown Mr Brian Jones Mrs Sam…
string str1 = ((ComboBoxItem)this.cboBoxRate1553B.Items[this.cboBoxRate1553B.SelectedIndex]).Tag.ToString(); string str2 = (this.cboBoxRate1553B.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem).Tag.ToString(); 不知道为什么只能先转换为var 或者string类型,再转化为其他类型. I have a combo box lik…