CF1475-C. Ball in Berland】的更多相关文章

CF1475-C. Ball in Berland 题意: 一个班级有\(a\)个男生和\(b\)个女生,现在这个班级有\(k\)对男女愿意一起出席毕业典礼,这里注意\(k\)对男女中可能会有某个男生或女生出现在多个\(pair\)中. 你从这\(k\)对中找出两对,使得这两对中的男生不相同.女生不相同,即一个男生或女生不可能在一个典礼中出现在两对中. 让你求出一共有多少种可能的组合方式. 思路: 枚举这\(k\)对,假设每对描述为\((b_i, g_i)\),那么\(k\)减去与\(b_i,g…
题目链接: A:SwapSort In this problem your goal is to sort an array consisting of n integers in at most n swaps. For the given array find the sequence of swaps that makes the array sorted in the non-descending order. Swaps…
A.Odd Divisor 题意:问一个数是不是含有奇数因子 思路:就直接给这个数循环除以2,看看最后剩下的数是不是0,如果不是就有奇数因子,如果是就没有 想不到:1)当时想着用log2来解决问题,后来发现好像这种想法有点偏 代码: 1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<algorithm> 3 #include<cstdio> 4 #include<cstring> 5 #include<cmath> 6 #inclu…
题目链接: 传送门 Berland Bingo time limit per test:1 second     memory limit per test:256 megabytes Description Lately, a national version of a bingo game has become very popular in Berland. There are n players playing the game, each player has a card with…
BerSU Ball 题目链接: Description The Berland State University is hosting a ballroom dance in celebration of its 100500-th anniversary! n boys and m girls are already busy rehearsing waltz, minuet, po…
Lately, a national version of a bingo game has become very popular in Berland. There are n players playing the game, each player has a card with numbers. The numbers on each card are distinct, but distinct cards can have equal numbers. The card of th…
B. BerSU Ball time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The Berland State University is hosting a ballroom dance in celebration of its 100500-th anniversary! n boys and m girls are al…
BerSU Ball time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The Berland State University is hosting a ballroom dance in celebration of its 100500-th anniversary! n boys and m girls are alrea…
Yet Another Ball Problem time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The king of Berland organizes a ball! nn pair are invited to the ball, they are numbered from 11 to nn . Each pair…
B. BerSU Ball time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The Berland State University is hosting a ballroom dance in celebration of its 100500-th anniversary! n boys and m girls are al…