正向渲染路径细节 Forward Rendering Path Details Forward Rendering path renders each object in one or more passes, depending on lights that affect the object. Lights themselves are also treated differently by Forward Rendering, depending on their settings and…
http://www.ceeger.com/Components/RenderTech-ForwardRendering.html This page describes details of Forward rendering path. 本章节描述了正向渲染路径的细节. Forward Rendering path renders each object in one or more passes, depending on lights that affect the object. Li…
Forward rendering path shader如下: // Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' Shader "Custom/Forward Rendering" { Properties { _MainTex("Main Texture", 2D) = "white" {} _Specular(,,,) _Gl…
  关于<Thinking in Unity3D> 笔者在研究和使用Unity3D的过程中,获得了一些Unity3D方面的信息,同时也感叹Unity3D设计之精妙.不得不说,笔者最近几年的引擎研发工作中,早已习惯性的从Unity3D中寻找解决方案. Unity3D虽比不上UE那么老练沉稳,气势磅礴.也比不上CE那样炫丽多姿,盛气凌人.但它的发展势如破竹,早已遍地生花!故而在此记录一些自己的心得体会,供大家参详交流.若有欠妥之处,还望各位及时指正.   Thinking in Unity3D由一…
简述 Unity supports different Rendering Paths. You should choose which one you use depending on your game content and target platform / hardware. Different rendering paths have different performance characteristics that mostly affect Lights and Shadows…
Rendering Path:渲染路径 设置:1.Player Setting,2.Camera(会覆盖PlayerSetting中的设置) 选择:根据渲染内容和目标平台来选择合适的Rendering Path,当一个GPU不能处理Deferred Lighting时,会自动切换到Forward Lighting,当Forward Lighting不支持时,会自动切换到Vertexx Lig. (1)Vertex Lit: 最低真实度但也是最快的的渲染路径,不支持realtime shadows…
Overview 概述 When using deferred shading, there is no limit on the number of lights that can affect a GameObject. All lights are evaluated per-pixel, which means that they all interact correctly with normal maps, etc. Additionally, all lights can have…
http://blog.csdn.net/heyuchang666/article/details/51564954 注意: 最后3个步骤注意下 延时光照是有着最高保真度的光照和阴影的渲染路径.如果你有很多实时灯光,最好是使用延时光照.它需要一定水平的硬件支持,仅在 Unity Pro可用,移动设备上不支持. 延迟光照是一种当前最高级的能实现光线和阴影保真的渲染路径 对于能影响任何物体的光线数量没有上限 完全采用以每像素的方式评估光线,这等于意味着全部将以正常贴图的方式正确的和物体交互 所有光线…
渲染通道, rendering path. vertexlit, forward 和 Deferred lighting 旧有的非统一架构下: 分为顶点着色引擎和像素渲染通道 渲染通道是GPU负责给图像配色的专门通道: 越多,填充效率越高,流畅性越好. http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q103129905.htm 採用统一架构后, 渲染通道既负责顶点渲染又负责像素渲染. GPU对于图像渲染时的逻辑并行运算数. 而不是物理数量. http://blog.csdn.net/bug…
  Choosing a Rendering Path 选择渲染路径 Unity supports a number of rendering techniques, or ‘paths’. An important early decision which needs to be made when starting a project is which path to use. Unity’s default is 'Forward Rendering”. Unity支持许多渲染技术或“路径…