周末空闲,选读了一下一本很不错的C#语言使用的书,特此记载下便于对项目代码进行重构和优化时查看. Standing On Shoulders of Giants,附上思维导图,其中标记的颜色越深表示在实际中的实际意义越大. 名称 内容和示例 提供API时尽量提供泛型接口 Public interface IComparable<T>{ int CompareTo(T other) } 泛型约束尽可能的严格并有效 Public delegate T FactoryFunc<T>();…
The results look OK, but how do you know that you aren’t missing something. Would a more sophisticated model with more variables work even better? If you add enough variables to a model, you can fit almost anything. However, you generally reach a poi…
0 Near Field Communication Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows you to share small payloads of data between an NFC tag a…