Pyhton generators and the yield keyword At a glance,the yield statement is used to define generators,repalcing the return of a function to provide a result to its caller without destorying local variables.Unlike a function,where on each call it start…
小探yield 查看 python yield 文档 yield expressions: Using a yield expression in a function's body causes that function to be a generator can only be used in the body of a function definition 翻译成人话就是: 使用yield表达式会将函数体变成生成器,而且只能在函数定义的主体中使用. 迭代对象 我一般使用的 for *…
1.yield可以用来为一个函数返回值塞数据 代码: def addlist(alist): for i in alist: alist = [, , , ] for x in addlist(alist): print(x) 结果: 2. next()语句 代码: def h(): print('Wen Chuan') print('Fighting!') c = h() c.__next__()# output:Wen Chuan c.__next__()#由于后面没有yield了,因此会拋…