In Flow, you can make global declarion about types. Run: flow init It will generate .flowconfig file, open it and add few lines of configration. [libs] decls/ [ignore] .*/node_modules/.* So it says that go to find 'decls' folders and use what has bee…
3.3 Execution Flow of a DDD Based Application 基于DDD的应用程序执行流程 The figure below shows a typical request flow for a web application that has been developed based on DDD patterns. 一个基于DDD模式开发的Web应用的典型请求交互流程,如下图所示: The request typically begins with a user…
Adding Sign-On to Your Web Application Using Windows Azure AD 14 out of 19 rated this helpful - Rate this topic This document will show you how to configure a .NET application to perform web single sign-on against your Windows Azure AD enterprise dir… Parallelizing Data Flow and Dependency Graphs In addition to loop parallelism, the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) library also supports graph parallelism. It's possible to cre…
# 前言 Spring Web Flow = SWF 最近学习了<Spring实战>的第八章,Spring Web Flow.感觉是个不错的东西.无奈发现网上的资料少之又少.后来发现根本没有人用这个技术. 一般没人用某项技术的原因就是要么这个技术不成熟,要么这个技术并不好.所以我特地去找了找 SWF 技术的优缺点,顺便分享一下. 时间紧迫,只是翻译每段核心内容. # 原文作者的建议 I'm going to play devil's advocate and say don't use it…
#nginx进程,一般设置为和cpu核数一样worker_processes 4; #错误日志存放目录 error_log /data1/logs/error.log crit; #运行用户,默认即是nginx,可不设置user nginx #进程pid存放位置pid /application/nginx/; #Specifies the value for maximum file descript…
2. Use notepad to open httpd.conf config file. Make use the line "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" is un-commented. 3. Under "<directory XXX></directory>" section, change the line "AllowOverride None&q… Retired Content This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that we…