提示Unable to find a single main class from the following candidates错误的原因是会从所有代码里面扫描包括main方法的类,找到多个类就报错了. 解决办法是在pom.xml指定启动的类: <properties> <start-class>com.corp.MyApplication</start-class> <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</pro…
问题如下: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.5.RELEASE:repackage (default) on project information: Execution default of goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.5.RELEASE:repackage faile…
在启动SpringBoot项目是报错 Unable to find a single main class from the following candidates [boot.myboot.SampleController, boot.myboot.App] 意思 是从这两个类中找不到要执行那个main方法 执行spring-boot:run -X打印出Debug日志 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring…
由于基础框架是用的网上down的源码,我将项目名字改了,估计没有进行maven clean,本地调试的时候没有问题. 当发布时候,执行maven install 一直提示上述错误. 解决办法:1.maven clean.2.mave install 解决…
关于start-class,spring boot官方手册是这么说明的: The plugin rewrites your manifest, and in particular it manages the Main-Class and Start-Class entries, so if the defaults don't work you have to configure those there (not in the jar plugin). The Main-Class in th…
[背景]spring-boot项目,打包成可执行jar,项目内有两个带有main方法的类并且都使用了@SpringBootApplication注解(或者另一种情形:你有两个main方法并且所在类都没有使用@SpringBootApplication注解),pom.xml如下 <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin<…
Spring boot 打成jar包问题总结 1.Unable to find a single main class from the following candidates 1.1.问题描述 maven build时出现以下错误提示日志: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.5.RELEASE:repackage (default) on project i…
Unable to find a single main class from the following candidates [*.*Application]…
开始之前最基础的东东here 官网:http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/ 基础快速构建:http://start.spring.io/ 松哥的博客:http://loveshisong.cn/ jdk:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/cn/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151-zhs.html 开始构建项目: 第一次可以从 http://start.spring.io/…
公司要测试一下zipkin是否可以跟踪全流程,项目的架构比较复杂,不要问我为什么,基本架构如下:前端门户,调用spring cloud组件,spring cloud在调用dubbo,这样一套流程.于是在spring cloud以及dubbo搭建过程中的所坑所思所想,记录一下. ZUUI配置服务出错 不知为何在ZUUI里面配置serviceId无法从Eureka里面获取服务名称:但是如果配置为url,则可以跳转. 问题:为什么服务没有配通,怎么配服务,serviceId是对应Eureka里面的Ap…
http://www.cnblogs.com/xingzc/p/5972488.html 1.Unable to find a single main class from the following candidates 1.1.问题描述 maven build时出现以下错误提示日志: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.3.5.RELEASE:repackage…
#1 @EnableEurekaServer无法正常import原因是spring-cloud-dependencies版本太低,改成高版本的Edgware.SR4即可.参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuwenjoyce/p/9655940.html <!-- 使用dependencyManagement进行版本管理 --> <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <…
东西没仔细看就给别人了,具体是系统默认的sshd怎么都起不来.于是重新安装一下,过程如下 root@samuraiwtf:~# netstat -nlt Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LIST…
前言 在学习SparkJava.Vert.x等轻量级Web框架的时候,都遇到过打包问题,这两个框架打包的时候都需要添加额外的Maven配置,并指定启动类才能得到可执行的JAR包: 而springboot项目,似乎都不需要额外的配置,直接package就可以得到可执行的JAR包,这是怎么回事呢? Vert.x要怎么配? 我们先来看看,Vert.x打包做哪些配置 1)引入maven-shade-plugin插件 2)在插件中指定在package完成时触发shade操作 3)指定启动类 <plugin…
Introduction Log files are files that contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. There are different log files for different information. For example, there is a default system log file, a log f…
通过Debian包安装Elasticsearch Elasticsearch的Debian包可以从downloaded from our website或APT repository 它可以用于在任何Debian-based的系统(如Debian和Ubuntu)上安装Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch的最新稳定版在Download Elasticsearch下载,其他的版本在Past Releases page下载. NOTE: Elasticsearch需要java8或者…
Web: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/AI/BehaviorTrees/index.html Test project: D:\EngineStudy\Unreal\4.14\TestProject\HowTo_BehaviorTree Behavior tree主要就是用来实现AI的一套系统,比如角落爬动的蟑螂,攻击主角的NPC等AI; creating a NavMesh, creating an AI Controller…
原文地址:What's New in Core Data in macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, and watchOS 3.0 翻译者:肖品,原创文章转载请著名出处. Core Data在 macOS 10.12 , iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0和watchOS 3.0中的新特性 This document describes the new areas of functionality in Core Data in macOS 10.12, iO…
Beginning OpenMP OpenMP provides a straight-forward interface to write software that can use multiple cores of a computer. Using OpenMP you can write code that uses all of the cores in a multicore computer, and that will run faster as more cores beco…
引自:http://lifehacker.com/how-to-upgrade-to-ios-7-right-now-1288208215 Although iOS 7 won't see an official release until September 18th, you can install the final version right now even if you're not a developer thanks to some anonymous public postin…
原文地址: http://www.javaworld.com/article/2077445/testing-debugging/debug-with-jdb.html Q: How do you use jdb (included in the JDK 1.2 package) effectively to debug Java programs? I've tried many times, but I am successful only in loading a class file t…
[Game Engine Architecture 2] 1.endian swap 函数 floating-point endian-swapping:将浮点指针reinterpert_cast 成整数指针,或使用 union 变成整形来swap. 2.metric (SI) units like kilobytes (kB) and megabytes (MB) are power of 10. kilo means 10^3, not 1024. To resolve this ambig…
作者其他ELK快速入门系列文章 Elasticsearch从入门到精通 logstash快速入门实战指南 简介 Kibana 是一款开源的数据分析和可视化平台,它是 Elastic Stack 成员之一,设计用于和 Elasticsearch 协作.您可以使用 Kibana 对 Elasticsearch 索引中的数据进行搜索.查看.交互操作.您可以很方便的利用图表.表格及地图对数据进行多元化的分析和呈现. Kibana 可以使大数据通俗易懂.它很简单,基于浏览器的界面便于您快速创建和分享动态数…
4我的板子是 Orange pi 3,只能以 卧槽来形容... 我是搞.net core的,这板子死活搞不了. 刷的是Debain系统. 说实话,这个板子不错,可就是官方的系统实在不敢恭维,内核旧,软件兼容性不行. 不说废话了. 背景 板子系统Debain,内核 4.9,只适配了GCC 4.9. 我要安装 .net core 3 arm64 无法运行,因为要求 GCC version > 5.2 网上的方法,大多是copy的,要下载gcc源码包,然后编译.我想说,你就算用 8G 内存的电脑,解压…
采用了项目聚合,产生一些不同,遇到的问题和解决方法分享下. 项目结构: rebuilder2 -htran 主项目 -htran-api 1.htran.pom <parent> <groupId>com.cq</groupId> <artifactId>common-parent</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-RELEASE</version> <relativePath></…
[先贴出解决方案(基于Ubuntu)]: 使用dpkg -i   *.deb 的时候出现依赖没有安装 使用apt-get -f -y install  解决依赖问题后再执行dpkg安装deb包 =====================1.下面是遇到的依赖没有安装=========================== 问题 horizon@horizon-pc ~/下载 $ sudo dpkg -i youdao-dict_1.1.0-0-ubuntu_amd64.deb [sudo] pass…
我尝试各种办法,wm8960始终不能得到声音输出.调试过程如下: 首先,打开电源使能脚: ret=gpio_request(SABRESD_CODEC_PWR_EN,"audio_pwr_en"); if (!ret){ printk("Turn on audio(wm8962)power!(1:enable)\n"); gpio_direction_output(SABRESD_CODEC_PWR_EN,1);         // 0:enable, 1:dis…
when build an spring project with this command: mvn spring-boot:run there will may show an error message like this: Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.2.5.RELEASE:run (default-cli) on project gs-rest-service: U…
The IDL compiler or bindings generator transcompiles Web IDL to C++ code, specifically bindings between V8 (the JavaScript engine) and Blink. That is, when an attribute or method in a Web IDL interface is used from JavaScript, V8 calls the bindings c…
Multi-processor systems are often implemented using a common system bus as the communication mechanism between CPU, memory, and I/O adapters. It is also common to include features on each CPU module, such as cache memory, that enhance the performance…