Gym - 101194H Great Cells】的更多相关文章

Problem H. Great Cells 题目链接: Input file: Standard Input Output file: Standard Ouptut Time limit: 2 seconds 题目大意: 在N×M的网格里填[1,K]的整数,如果满足这个格子中的数是本行和本列中严格的最大值,定义这个格子是great的.定义A-g为网格中恰好有g个great格子的填法数,求Σ(g+1)A-…
题目链接: 题意: 给出 $N$ 行 $M$ 列的网格,每个格子内可以填入 $[1,K]$ 内的任意整数. 如果某个格子,它是它所在行上严格最大的,同时也是所在列上严格最大的,则认…
题目链接: 题意: 在$n×m$的各自中填上$1$到$k$的数 定义Greate cell为严格大于同行和同列的格子 定义$A_g$为存在$g$个Greate cell的方案数 求$\sum_{g=0}^{nm}(g+1)*A_g$ 数据范围: $1\leq n \leq 200$ $1\leq m \leq 200$ $1\leq k \leq 200$ 分析: $\sum_{g=0}^{nm}(g+1)*A_g=\sum_{…
A Gym 101194A Number Theory Problem 7 的二进制是111,2k-1 的二进制是 k 个 1.所以 k 能被 3 整除时 2k-1 才能被 7 整除. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int T; scanf("%d", &T); for(int ca = 1; ca <= T; ++ca) { int n; scanf("%d&q…
很久以前做的一道思博题了,今天来补一补. 大致题意:在一个\(n*m\)的矩阵内填整数,数字在\([1,k]\)范围内.矩阵中某格的数为great number当且仅当与它同行同列的数字都严格比它小.记\(A_g\)为矩阵中恰有\(g\)个great number的填数方案数,求\(\sum_{g=0}^{nm}(g+1)\cdot A_g\).(\(n,m,k\le200\)) 首先我们可以看出,上界必定是\(min(n,m)\),这个不解释了吧 而又有一个性质,\(\sum_{g=0}^{m…
题目链接 problem  description Given an R×C grid with each cell containing an integer, find the number of subrectangles in this grid that contain only one distinct integer; this means every cell in a subrectangle…
E. Two Labyrinths Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description A labyrinth is the rectangular grid, each of the cells of which is either free or wall, and it's possible to move only between free…
B. Island Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description On February 30th this year astronauts from the International Space Station flew over the Pacific Ocean and took a picture, on which was discovered a pr…
题目链接: Your friend has made a computer video game called “Kangaroo Puzzle” and wants you to give it a try for him. As the name of this game indicates, there are some (at least 2) kangaroos stranded in a puzzle…
题目链接: Vitaly works at the warehouse. The warehouse can be represented as a grid of n × m cells, each of which either is free or is occupied by a container. From every free cell it's possible to reach every ot…
题目链接: J. Robots at Warehouse time limit per test 2.0 s memory limit per test 256 MB input standard input output standard output Vitaly works at the warehouse. The warehouse can be represented as a grid of n ×…
/** 题目:2016-2017 ACM-ICPC CHINA-Final H Great Cells 链接: 题意:给定n*m的矩形,a[i][j]的数据范围为[1,k]: 如果a[i][j]是自己所在行和所在列最大的(唯一最大的),那么这个格子就是great cell: 令Ag表示有g个great cell的矩形数量. 求: sigma[g=0,n*m](g+1)*Ag mod(1e9+7); 思路: 原式可以拆成sigma[g…
首先,需要添加引用Aspose.Cells.dll,官网下载地址: 将DataTable导出Xlsx格式的文件下载(网页输出): /// <summary> /// 导出Excel表格 /// </summary> /// <param name="list">数据集合</param> /// <param name="header">…
DataTable dtTitle = ds.Tables[]; DataTable dtDetail = ds.Tables[]; int columns = dtTitle.Columns.Count; string error = "";//导出出错的原因 Aspose.Cells.Workbook wb = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(); //工作簿 Worksheet sheet = wb.Worksheets[]; //第一张工作表 Cells c…
利用Aspose.Cells导出excel 注意的问题 1.DataTable的处理 2.进行编码,便于中文名文件下载 3.别忘了Aspose.Cells.dll(可以自己在网上搜索) public static bool DataTableToExcel2(DataTable datatable, string filepath, out string error) { error = ""; Aspose.Cells.Workbook wb = new Aspose.Cells.W…
 Gym 101047M Removing coins in Kem Kadrãn Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Practice Description standard input/output Andréh and his friend Andréas are board-game aficionados. They know many of their friend…
 Gym 101047K Training with Phuket's larvae Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Practice Description standard input/output Thai cuisine is known for combining seasonings so that every dish has flavors that are…
Gym 101047E Escape from Ayutthaya Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u  Practice  Description standard input/output Ayutthaya was one of the first kingdoms in Thailand, spanning since its foundation in 1350 to…
 Gym 101047B  Renzo and the palindromic decoration Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Practice Description standard input/output At the ruins of Wat Phra Si Sanphet (วดพระศรสรรเพชญ), one can find famous inscr…
  最新更新请访问: Aspose.Cells读取Excel非常方便,以下是一个简单的实现读取和导出Excel的操作类: 以下是Aspose.Cells下载地址: /// <summary> /// Excel操作类(引用程序集Aspose.Cells.dll) /// </summary> public class ExcelOperation { /// <…
[csharp] view plain copy 1.添加引用: Aspose.Cells.dll(我们就叫工具包吧,可以从网上下载.关于它的操作我在“Aspose.Cells操作说明 中文版 下载 Aspose C# 导出Excel 实例”一文中的说.这里你暂时也可不理会它.) 即使没有安装office也能用噢,这是一个好强的大工具. 2.编写Excel操作类 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text;…
Excel导入及导出问题产生: 从接触.net到现在一直在维护一个DataTable导s出到Excel的类,时不时还会维护一个导入类.以下是时不时就会出现的问题: 导出问题: 如果是,你得在服务器端装Office,几百M呢,还得及时更新它,以防漏洞,还得设定权限允许ASP.net访问COM+,听说如果导出过程中出问题可能导致服务器宕机. Excel会把只包含数字的列进行类型转换,本来是文本型的,它非要把你转成数值型的,像身份证后三位变成000,编号000123会变成123,够智能吧…
首先,目前我是在Json里面使用的,然后关于HTML+WebService+Json怎么使用,可以看看Jsonp跨域的相关例子. 本次的实现原理是:通过HTML传送参数到WebService,然后在WebService生成Excel文件,然后保存在服务器上,然后服务器返回文件的相对路径,然后HTML接收到路径,直接下载: 下面我直接贴出WebService的代码:         /// <summary>         /// 获取房间每小时报表         /// </summ…
Aspose.Cells.Workbook book = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(); Aspose.Cells.Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets["Sheet1"]; sheet.FreezePanes(1, 1, 1, 0); Aspose.Cells.Style style = book.Styles[book.Styles.Add()]; style.Pattern = Aspose.Cells.Background…
解决思路: 1.找个可用的Aspose.Cells(有钱还是买个正版吧,谁开发个东西也不容易): 2.在.Net方案中引用此Cells: 3.写个函数ToExcel(传递一个DataTable),可以另写个SetCellStyle的函数专门给各列设置样式. 4.在按钮的Click事件中调用此ToExcel()即可. 注:想更详细了解的到Aspose网站去,那里有很多在线文档,够你看的了.也可以下载个Demo程序研究. 部分代码贴在这里,代码还有需要改进的地方,暂时这么用着,给自己以后方便查找,再…
Aspose.Cells 首次使用,用到模版填充数据,合并单元格,换行 模版格式,图格式是最简单的格式,但实际效果不是这种,实际效果图如图2 图2 ,注意看红色部分,一对一是正常的,但是有一对多的订单,就得把前面的合并居中,后面对应多行显示 var templatePath = Server.MapPath(@"/Template/区域订单列表导出模板.xlsx"); //NPOIHelper.GetTemplateToExcel(templatePath,list); Workboo…
下载aspose-cells-8.5.2.jar包 JAVA代码 package webViewer; import*; import com.aspose.cells.*; //引入aspose-cells-8.5.2.jar包 public class Excel2Pdf { public static boolean getLicense() { boolean result = false; try { I…
题目链接 Description standard input/output You are given an array A of integers of size N, and Q queries. For each query, you will be given a set of distinct integers S and two integers L and R that represent a…
题目链接 Description standard input/outputStatements The jury of Berland regional olympiad in informatics does not trust to contest management systems, so the Berland regional programming contest is judged by th…
题目链接 problem description Famous Berland coder and IT manager Linus Gates announced his next proprietary open-source system "Winux 10.04 LTS" In this system command "dir -C" prints list of all…