今天svn遇到一个头疼的问题,最开始更新的时候失败了,因为有文件被锁住了.按照以往的操作,我对父目录进行clean up操作,但是clean up 操作也失败了! svn cleanup failed–previous operation has not finished; run cleanup if it was interrupted cleanup 失败,失败的信息里又叫我cleanup,这是一个死循环...到google搜索解决问题,最后终于找到一个有效的解决办法. Usually,…
我在项目中删了2个jar,然后SVN提交,一直提交不成功 svn在提交时报错如下图: working copy is not up-to-date svn:commit failed(details follow): svn:file "xxxxx is out of date" item is out of date svn:item "xxxx" is out of date 解决方法一: 在相应文件上,单击选择team,然后选择先更新,然后再提交.这样就好了.…
Attempted to lock an already-locked dir异常解决方法 eclipse或myeclipse用svn提交的时候报错: Attempted to lock an already-locked dir svn: Working copy 'D:/Program Files/MyEclipse 6.6flex/workspace/emis/WebRoot/emis/emresource' locked org.tigris.subversion.javahl.Clie…