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本文是对解决问题的一些方法内容的改写与补充! 1 接触与了解 从总体着眼,从细节入手! 确认基本相关信息是必须执行的首要环节,也是后续处理问题的基础. 如果无法清楚地辨别或陈述问题的基本信息,那么,此时要面对的将不仅仅是问题本身! 不明确和不充分的信息资源,将极大地制约问题处理的效率和效果. 问题的基本信息概括起来,主要包括两个方面:在怎样的背景环境下?发生了怎样的问题? 进一步的细分,可能涉及如下内容: 1.1 问题现象的描述 问题的直观现象 问题的初始级别 问题发生的时间.地点.报告人 问题…
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There is a vibrant, helpful Android developer community on the Web. Here are a numberof useful websites for Android developers and followers of the wireless industry: Android Developer Website: The Android SDK and developer reference site: http://dev…
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C. CIA Datacenter time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output The CIA has decided to keep up with technology advancements and try to capture all the information passing in the internet…
MINE Privacy Policy This unit values your privacy. You are using our service, we may collect and use your information. We hope that through this "personal information protection statement shows that when you use our service to you, how do we collect,…
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