简要记录一下在使用gulp-sass时候踩的坑,虽然不明所以然,但是似乎在https://github.com/dlmanning/gulp-sass/issues/1 找到了答案. 在使用gulpfile配置监听文件更新自动编译时候出现了一个这个错误:"error: File to import not found or unreadable: ./m-body" 而且会出现一种奇怪的现象,当改动某个文件遇到这个报错后再重新启动编译就正常监听了该文件了,但是其他文件却不行,都是得在那…
标签: 1.1.1. If a crash happens thisconfiguration does not guarantee that the relay log info will be consistent [环境的叙述性说明] msyql5.6.14 [报错信息] mysql的slave启动时,error.log中出现Warning警告: [Warning] Slave SQL: If a crash happensthis configuration does not guara…
1.1.1. If a crash happens thisconfiguration does not guarantee that the relay log info will be consistent [环境的叙述性说明] msyql5.6.14 [报错信息] mysql的slave启动时,error.log中出现Warning警告: [Warning] Slave SQL: If a crash happensthis configuration does not guarantee…
1.1.1. ERROR 1418 [环境的叙述性说明] mysql5.0.67 [问题叙述性说明] 当它来到创建存储过程ERROR 1418一个错误. # 创建函数SQL声明 CREATE FUNCTION `xxx`( num01 int ) RETURNSint(11) begin declare mm int default 0; if (xx) then set mm = num01*num01*10; elseif xxx then set mm = 10; else case…
[错误] Error running 'xxx项目': Command line is too long. Shorten command line for xxx or also for Spring Boot default configuration. 根据错误信息可知,指令太过长,根据提示缩短指令即可. 在IDEA中找到 Run-> Edit Configurations打开: 在 Environment-> Shorten command line 的内容配置为 JAR即可解决: 原…